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Venezuela: Maduro is President

After years of intense political, economic and social crisis caused by the death of Hugo Chávez, the fall in oil prices and the economic war sponsored by the United States, Venezuela’s economy began to recover. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) study published in April reported a 2.6% growth in Venezuela’s GDP in 2023 and estimated that in 2024 growth will be 4.2%. ...China and Russia are very involved with the Venezuelan government and this is an important pillar of support for Maduro, whose government has been reaping good results from this alliance – and from agreements with other countries, such as India, Turkey and Iran. Unlike the last crisis, in 2019, the two main neighbors (Brazil and Colombia) are now governed by presidents allied with Maduro. 

An indication of the recovery and stabilization in Venezuela is the fact that the country has left the international news headlines in recent years. The major international media outlets are clearly anti-Chavista and take advantage of any minimally negative event to carry out a broad propaganda campaign against the government. This has not been possible in more recent years.




Nicolas Maduro was declared the winner in Venezuela’s presidential election on July 28, even as his opponents were preparing to dispute the results. Maduro’s horoscope as provided by Astrodatabank with an AA rating is reproduced here. 

Notice that the 14 October 2023 total solar eclipse[21li07] took place on Maduro’s IC [20li24] close to radix Moon [25li], the ruler of his Cancer Ascendant. The Moon is conjunct the stars Archturus [23li42] of Bootes and Spica [23li18] of Virgo. 

Archturus, alpha Bootes is often shown as a herdsman protecting his flock. Symbolically this refers to the need for commitment to the fundamental nourishment required to support all life on Earth for its evolutionary fulfillment as explained by Nick Fiorenza in the extract below: 

Archturus is the administrative seat responsible for the safe ascension of Earth and Humanity--the pure birth of the soul. Boötes / Archturus stands against the fallen corrupt powers of Benatnasch who have demonstrated the inability over and again to ensure such evolutionary fulfillment, with the continual destruction of the peoples of the Earth, and typical catastrophic outcomes. The body of Boötes stands between this pure lucida of the Virgin, while blocking the manipulations of corrupt Benatnasch and their diversionary tactics, embodied by the barking dogs (Canes Venatici). 

Writing about this solar eclipse, Gray Crawford said: 

Eclipses render paradox into realization. There’s nothing like experiencing the life giving light of the Sun extinguished, dissolved into an otherworldly darkness in which day suddenly becomes night. A paradox insists on coming to terms with events and material beyond belief that go against expectation. 

Eclipse events may propel us in new directions, but in quieter moments call us to give shape to unrealized potency. The Solar Eclipse in Libra is aligned with the Tail of the Dragon, the headless body, the lunar place of purification, release, and sacrificial fire. There is an emptying here of toxic residues that have accrued, as well as renewal of our connection to spirit and the daimonic guides who can help us realign with our essential self. By being brought down into the belly of the beast, into the depths of the underworld, we discover our true path of ascent into embodiment of inner treasure. 

The incessant propaganda of networks unified by the major media, especially abroad, was not enough for the opposition. The strategy of not recognizing the election results alleging fraud, a worn-out strategy, repeated several times without success at the suggestion of the “spin doctors” and specialists of the most extremist sectors of Washington, was of no use.


