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Astrology of the British riots




Right-wing protesters in the English town of Rotherham have set fire to a hotel housing asylum seekers, as demonstrations against immigration and Islam continue across the country. Prime Minister Keir Starmer has vowed that the rioters will “face the full force of the law.”



 The news from UK is best understood if we start with the chart of the New Moon at London which is placed amid stars of Cancer and Hydra. (The New Moon is also conjunct Pluto in Israel’s national chart...hopefully readers will see the connection to current news from the Middle East) 

Acubens, Alpha Cancer, indicates entrapment in dogma. This can be the current political / religious beliefs of the times, as well as that created by our personal belief structures—the ideas we have about our lives and experiences we have in our lives. Acubens indicates a tenacious hold and stubborn resistance to release the patterns we hold that keep us entrapped in our limiting life scenarios. 

Zeta Hydra lies immediately south of Acubens. Delta through Zeta Hydra and Pulsar CP0834 (which conjoins Gianfar of Draco, the poisoned place) create Hydra's head. Zeta Hydra and surrounding stars indicate a multifarious undermining source of destruction (every time Hercules took off one the Hydra's heads, it immediately grew another). The conjunction of Acubens and Zeta Hydra reveals that the repetitive undermining experiences in our lives are manifest from our own tenacious belief structures.

Let us remember that in general Cancer is about allegiance to family, country. When this goes too far foreigners are considered enemies. The New Moon is bringing this hate to the forefront. 

More specifically the New Moon [12le34] hits the following midpoints in the UK chart (Jan. 1, 1801; 0:00 LMT; London). 

Pluto/Admetus =[13le] Hades/Zeus [11le] 

Martha Wescott delineates as below: 


Situations that have been endured for a long time begin to surface – problems that have been on simmer break into a full rolling boil. Having delayed elimination of intolerable problems, one faces confrontation with self or others and experiences a need for return to integrity – a need to know where one stands (and then to decide if one is willing to stand there!). 


Expect situations where people bring up the past or some mistake...just to antagonize someone; similarly, people can be mean or insult someone--and the test is, basically, about how far they can push them (before everybody loses their temper!) ... And there should be times when people need to realize that THEY JUST CAN'T DO ANYTHING (they have to be inactive or resign themselves to strongly disliking others or the situation they're in.) I would expect media or film coverage of criminal activity that includes the use of weapons, fires or explosions, crimes of "passion". 

As always, planets aspecting the angles have a special message. Here the Apollon-Pluto square straddles the meridian. Apollon [5sc] is conjunct the star Miaplacidus [2sc], beta Carina of Argo Navis, the celestial ship that metaphorically refers to migration. (..more broadly it  means a change in fixed beliefs?...remember that a keyword for Apollon is also "expansion"). Apollon in Scorpio is square Pluto on the IC in Aquarius. Signs that square are stress producing. However, any two signs that square each other are actually dynamic duos that help us powerfully grow, once we learn how to consolidate their energies better in a self-directed manner. After all, they represent two essential parts of our developmental process,and thus they each need to be validated and supported. We shouldn't let them pull us apart or make us feel split from within. Aquarius who likes to be friends with everyone is teaching Scorpio to tone down its intense hatred for strangers.
