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Astrology of the Pakistan terror attack


The Crab, can indicate antiquated patterns, personal and collective dogmatic belief structures, and sticky modalities of being that perpetuate stasis.Cancer theme impels our emergence out of the antiquated entrapments we had been living in, whether leaving physical dwellings or antiquated structures of consciousness.


A massive coordinated terror attack on several locations in southwestern Pakistan has left at least 70 dead over a 24-hour period of terror which started Sunday night. 

The attacks were the work of a separatist group called the Baluch Liberation Army (BLA), which claimed responsibility. It started with bombings and gunfire targeting a national military camp in Pakistan’s Baluchistan Province, which left at least one soldier dead.


Many news events can be simply explained by charts drawn for the monthly lunations. The chart for the August 4 New Moon drawn for Musakhel is placed in the 8th house: 

Eighth House in Mundane Astrology:

Public mortality...danger to the people through war or national disasters 

For the stars conjunct the New Moon [12le] Nick Fiorenza writes: 

Acubens, Alpha Cancer, indicates entrapment in dogma. This can be the current political / religious beliefs of the times, as well as that created by our personal belief structures—the ideas we have about our lives and experiences we have in our lives. Acubens indicates a tenacious hold and stubborn resistance to release the patterns we hold that keep us entrapped in our limiting life scenarios. 

The New Moon of August has activated the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Pakistan’s and Israel’s radix chart. The same stars were also implicated in two recent posts [1][2]. In all these events, we can clearly see the need to go beyond dogma and accept all human beings as brothers regardless of religion, caste or creed. 

For stars on the MC, which she links to “terrorist attacks, actions by fanatics” Diana Rosenberg writes: 

In a gross distortion of the Virgin’s longing for purity, they may insist that there is only one proper way to do things, one true path to follow, attempting to “purify” the human race by ruthlessly eliminating those who are not of their race or religion, perceiving violence, terrorism and murder as solutions to problems.

Progress the New Moon chart to Aug. 26, the date of the event, and we find the progressed MC squares the New Moon triggering the tragedy.


[1] Astrology of the British riots

[2] Tragedy at the ‘Diversity Festival’ in Germany
