The NATO NeoNazi regime in Kiev is going for broke, as its Third Reich forbears did during World War Two. This time around, though, the fascists have a nuclear terrorist card to play.
As in the endgame of World War Two, the Nazi Wehrmacht tried to break out in Kursk as a way to divert from battlefield losses elsewhere on the crumbling Eastern Front. The gamble proved futile then and looks like repeating disastrously today.
Regular readers will have seen several examples at this blogsite of how the same planetary configurations gives rise to several possibilities some positive and some very negative. What makes the difference? The interaction of the person with the “wave function” (as in Quantum Mechanics) of star images so to speak is what gives rise to an event. And that is really dependent on the level of human consciousness. This is what Jung meant when he said:
“Whatever is not conscious will be experienced as fate”
Let us now turn our attention to the current planetary combination - the square between Mars-Jupiter-Saturn. In the post, Centaur Nessus and the tragic Calcutta rape, I wrote:
We begin with the chart drawn for the time of the recovery of the body (7.30 am on Aug.9) and see a very prominent Mars/Jupiter conjunction on the MC square Saturn on the descendant. Mars-Saturn is a violent combination often linked to murder. Jupiter with its tendency to overdo things can blow obsessions out of control.
So for the rapists, Saturn, the planet which stands for law and order, was unconcious. Unfortunately, they thought they could get away with murder but that was not likely given this combination.
Next we look at the chart for the exact Mars-Saturn square drawn for Kiev, Ukraine. Here too the Mars-Jupiter-Saturn combination is on the angles. Ukraine went ahead with a foolhardy attempt at incursion into loosely defended Russian territory.
On its seventh day the Ukrainian army incursion into the Russian Kursk oblast seems to have come to a halt. The front-lines are hardening and the Russian side is using its artillery and bombing predominance to push it back.
So as the Moon of Alabama reports, the incursion was halted..again Saturn at work. The Mars-Jupiter combination provided the initial enthusiasm that petered out when it hit reality (Saturn).
Zelensky’s Primary Direction (Van Dam) is Sun[17pi] square Neptune [17sa] (forming) triggered by the transit Jupiter[17ge] -Saturn[17pi] square prominently appearing on the angles in the chart of the Aug. 16 Mars-Saturn square drawn for Kiev. If Mars-Saturn symbolizes war then a Jupiter transit brings the possibility of either (a) fuelling it more through rash and impulsive action or (b) making a wise decision to resolve and end the conflict through negotiations. This would have been a more realistic reaction. But both Zelensky and Ukraine remaining unconscious of this better alternative fuelled the Saturn-Neptune combination on the descendant - the waking up from delusions. So as Jung would say, the outcome was fated.
But it needn’t have been this way. The last time in 1993, with Saturn in Pisces, South Africa gave up apartheid.
Potential for Reconciliation and Reconstruction
Within the same period in South Africa, an entrenched system of apartheid gave way to a new constitution in 1993, bringing the vote to black Africans and other non-white groups. The April 1994 general election swept the African National Congress and President Nelson Mandela to power.
Mandela’s vision of reconciliation–a message of hope–was more powerful than the resentments of the past, and he became President as Saturn transited his IC. In this case, Saturn in Pisces corresponded with the old system dissolving.
The potential for a healing release of outworn structures is profound with Saturn in the last sign of the zodiac. It can bring a sense of joyous anticipation. For many in South Africa, Saturn brought the incarnation of a dream. In earlier times, entire segments of society had been artificially walled off, separated along racial lines. This is not to say that the harm created by so much injustice disappeared overnight, but structural changes were made to eliminate racial disenfranchisement. [1]
Finally how can we use this combination positively in our personal lives. As Lynn Bell in her article Saturn in Pisces - Dissolving Boundaries explains:
Just as the fish in the Pisces constellation swim in opposite directions, Saturn in Pisces is ambivalent. Saturn asks us to enlarge and encompass more, but we can feel frightened when our boundaries lose solidity. We can feel destabilized by a lack of control and overwhelmed by chaos.
Here is where we can use the courage provided by Mars-Jupiter to overcome our fears and risk new endeavours that free us from difficult circumstances. If, in the examples above, Saturn was unconscious for Ukraine and the Calcutta rapists, for many of us the Mars-Jupiter courage is “suppressed” or unconscious so that we remain in stagnant situations.
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