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History in the stars: Exodus of the Bible


Moses crossing the Red Sea

The Red Sea crossing, one of the Bible’s most dramatic events, has long been a subject of reverence and skepticism. For centuries, this miraculous tale of divine intervention and deliverance has captivated believers, while raising questions among historians and scientists. Aug 15



The biblical account of the Red Sea crossing is a cornerstone of the Exodus story, found in the Book of Exodus in the Old Testament. This narrative details the escape of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery under the leadership of Moses. After enduring harsh treatment and plagues sent by God, Pharaoh finally allows the Israelites to leave Egypt. However, he soon changes his mind and sends his army to pursue them. The Israelites, trapped between the advancing Egyptian forces and the Red Sea, face what seems to be an impossible situation. The rest of the story is well known. The sea parts allowing the Israelites to pass but drowns the pursuing Egyptian army in the their chariots. 

Here we will attempt to see if astrology validates this archaeological finding reported on Aug. 15. But first we need the co-ordinates of the Red Sea crossing. 

Where on the map did Moses cross the Red Sea? 

Over the past several decades, substantial archeological investigation shows convincing evidence for a different location for the Red Sea crossing. The new location places the crossing at Nuweiba Beach on the Aqaba finger of the Red Sea about 40 miles (64 km.) south of Eilat, Israel.


We begin our enquiry with the chart for the total solar eclipse of April 8 drawn for Eliat. 

Creation stories tend to begin with chaos. Total eclipses return us to primordial Chaos and Creation. Symbolically eclipses also bring the invisible into visibility while the light of our conscious awareness must face whatever is residing in the darkness of our unconscious. Jupiter will only be two degrees away from Uranus when the Aries Sun becomes eclipsed. Mars in Pisces , the lord of the eclipse is conjunct Saturn. Mars and Saturn in Pisces correspond with distressing collective events, particularly in mundane issues related to water. (Red Sea Crossing?) [1] 

Both Mars and Saturn are conjunct Achernar: History and paradigm altering people and events; times of transition; endings Achernar, the last star of Eridanus, marks endings and new beginnings as also indicated by its conjunction to Anka of the Phoenix. [2] 

Mars and Saturn combining suggests we will need to face difficult circumstances with courageous resiliency, and so it may be the tests and challenges we must persist through in the wake of the eclipse that leads us to Jupiter and Uranus - a combination that relate to near miraculous event as well as as scientific breakthroughs that overturn old paradigms of belief. 

The solar eclipse [19ar] is placed among stars of King Cepheus, the chained woman Andromeda, symbol of slavery and Cetus the sea monster. ( strange among the various elements of the Exodus story we have the Pharoah, the Israelites who were slaves in Egypt and of course Cetus symbol for the devouring Red Sea.) Among events in this area, Diana Rosenberg (DR) lists - attacks and persecutions (especially racial and religious).

Jupiter[19ta]-Uranus [21ta] are conjunct stars of Cetus and Perseus. “scientific breakthroughs; discoveries of ancient artifacts” . Here Perseus, the Hero and Rescuer battles and overcomes frustration, darkness and difficulties, clearing a way to the light. (DR; v.1,p.179)


Next we progress the eclipse chart by the Wynn Key Return method to Aug. 15, the date of the news to find a T-square of Mars-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn straddling the horizon. Mars/Jupiter are conjunct the star Hasseleh, iota Auriga the Charioteer. “Ancient chariot wheels were discovered underneath the crossing”. Also here are the last stars of Perseus the Rescuer, producing heroes who save those caught in tragic or violent events. (DR: v.1; p.286-87) 

The Sabian symbol for Venus in the T-square appears to be pointing towards Moses - the prophet who led the Exodus. 


KEYNOTE: The focusing of the collective need for order and structural interdependence into a personage who incarnates the answer to this need. 

The character of the leader is always delineated by the need, subconscious though it may be, of the unformed agglomeration of entities he is called upon by destiny to lead. In time the leader will be worshiped as the "divine Father" of the society he structured. We have before us a personage endowed with CHARISMA, this elusive and mysterious power that comes from a man's or woman's openness to the power of planetary evolution.


[1] Gray Crawford

[2] Diana Rosenberg (DR)
