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Netanyahu Let Hamas’ Oct 7 Attack Happen?


... the conscious impotence of rage

At human folly, and the laceration

Of laughter at what ceases to amuse.

And last, the rending pain of re-enactment

Of all that you have done, and been; the shame

Of things ill done and done to others' harm

Which once you took for exercise of virtue.

Then fools' approval stings, and honour stains.

From wrong to wrong the exasperated spirit

Proceeds, unless restored by that refining fire


- T. S. Eliot's Little Gidding



Purgatorial Fire

Netanyahu Let Hamas’ Oct 7 Attack Happen? Bombshell Claim By Arch Rival


Israelis lived under – or upon – a volcano, believing themselves to be immune from standard legal and societal norms. Their control of over six million Palestinians seemed to be safe from intervention, criticism or challenge [1] . That Zionist dream has now become a nightmare [2].


Israel’s chart currently has two major directions: 

(a) Sun progressed conjunct Moon (separating)

(b) Uranus transit conjunct radix Sun in 8th

 The first direction of Sun to Moon emphasizes the stars that form the backdrop to the radix Moon. About these stars Diana Rosenberg writes: 

With the overlay of tropical Leo they are proud and aloof, carried on a wave of cultural, spiritual or folk ideal..persistent, unwavering, absolutely convinced they are right and anyone opposing them is not only wrong but a potential enemy..They are courageous and adventurous, but elitism, arrogance, intolerance and prejudice are the negative possibilities here; it does not occur to them that they may be riding roughshod over those around them, or if it does, they may not care for their sense of mission carries all before it. Capable of deep rage and resentments, often believing in violent solutions, some deliberately persecute opposing factions or suffer persecutions themselves. [1] 

Nick Fiorenza on the stars conjunct the Moon says: 

Praesepe, the essence of the Scarab / Cancer theme impels our emergence out of the antiquated entrapments we had been living in, whether leaving physical dwellings or antiquated structures of consciousness. 

The second direction of Uranus transit over the Sun in the 8th can refer to how leaders (Sun) can bring about unexpected events (Uranus) that cause mass death and destruction of the citizens (8th house). The star here is the dreaded star Algol which the Chinese referred to as a pile of corpses. 

Next recall that the Oct 23[21li] and April 24 [19ar] solar eclipses fell on the Ascendant and Descendant of Israel respectively. More specifically, the April eclipse [19ar] fell on the radix Admetus [19ar] - Hades [26ar] combination. Eclipses have this great capacity of ending chapters in our lives and starting new ones. It is as though they say: Enough! Your response to this combination must change. 

 Martha Wescott interprets Admetus-Hades as below: 

Think of Admetus as determination and "hanging in there" (in the face of difficulties and frustrations.) What happens: people "hang in there and pride themselves on being able to endure and survive"--while some situations go right down the hopper. Then, just to keep life "interesting," ya' find some situations where a LACK OF PATIENCE brings mistakes! 

As Pluto has been transiting the 4th cusp it squares the conjunction of radix Hades-Admetus on the 7th cusp.

Pluto-Admetus - Hades 

To have situations that have been endured for a long time begin to surface – problems that have been on simmer break into a full rolling boil; to deal with pain, resentment and emotions that have been suppressed; to come to recognize what can no longer be endured – and to deal with the accrued consequences of having pushed the self too far...Sometimes situations (and people!) have to "get ugly" to gather sufficient energy for a real Purge! 

The cosmic plans are more easily understood if we study the chart of Israel and Netanyahu together. In Netanyahu’s horoscope (Oct. 21, 1949) the most important solar direction is: 

Sun [13cp] making hard aspects to his radix elements: Orpheus [11ar] - Pandora [12cp] - Siva [15li] - Neptune [15li] 

Siva: Lord Siva is the Destroyer and Transformer. The asteroid Siva represents disintegration and liberation of matter into new form. It seeks to overcome stagnation by breaking down or through limitations and resistance to bring the victory of life - and renewal - through death. It forces the destruction of the past and of rigid attitudes and expectations that were formed in the past. Essentially, Siva brings a break down for a breakthrough. 

Neptune: Deception, lies 

Pandora: Encountering unexpected consequences; getting more than you bargained for. 

Orpheus: Death



Lies and deception have brought unexpected deaths and consequences that one had not bargained for. 

In addition in synastry, Netanyahu’s progressed Sun [12cp] has been moving through a square with Israel’s (14 May 1948; 16:00 EET; Tel Aviv) radix Neptune [11li] - Atropos [11li] 


The idea that a person can cling to their fantasies, continue the scam, and avoid "reality"--uh, "to the end" is also present here--just as is the possibility that coming to terms with one's existential aloneness and finally seeing "the truth" can bring an end to some belief, illusion, situation or relationship. 

In other words, Netanyahu becomes the agent for Israel to finally see the truth!


[1] Israel’s Illusion of Normality Collapses

[2] The Zionist dream has become a nightmare
