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Pavel Durov: The quixotic free speech hero of our time



A Carrier Pigeon


It seems that over two hundred years after the Revolution, in France the Liberté part of its celebrated slogan has not really stuck. On Saturday 24 August, Russian social media platform entrepreneur Pavel Durov was arrested by the French police at La Bourget airport near Paris on trumped-up charges. The French authorities went about it in a sneaky third-world manner that does them no honour. They waited for Durov’s plane to enter French air space before issuing the arrest warrant.


Since the author of the article, refers to the French Revolution, it would be interesting to look at Pavel’s arrest through the lens of the horoscope of the First Republic [1]. And we are certainly not disappointed. Not only is there a Uranus-Pluto opposition aligned almost perfectly with the meridian. The solar arc progressed Sun [21ta] completes a perfect T-square with radix opposition...and of course Mercury stationing on Aug. 31 at [21le] completes the trigger!! 

A Uranus-Pluto alignment indicates the breakdown of social institutions overplaying their power in ways that are clearly self-serving (Pluto) rather than for the greater good which then ignites an unexpected rebellion (Uranus). 

Without some rebellion every so often, politics will inevitably become sclerotic and cease to perform its intended function of serving the wants and needs of the entire society. A Uranus-Pluto alignment,when activated is the perfect time to stand up in protest against all forms of unjust violence that corrupt our civility and threaten even the future of civilization itself. 

Mercury stationing on Aug. 31 at [21le] is in Greek mythology the messenger of the gods and its Sabian symbol here is stunning.



KEYNOTE: Spirituality, in terms of training for service to mankind. 

A trained carrier pigeon is delivering the message it was its function to carry. Individual realizations must be delivered to the collective. A highly evolved person will gladly serve without expectation of full compensation. 

Telegram social media platform has a global following of over nine hundred million users...But the key takeaway that emerged from Tucker Carlson’s interview, and it was with providential timing to counteract the deluge of media calumnies that is sure to follow Durov’s arrest, is something entirely different. It is the glaring contrast between the Russian genius, unmoved by the temptations of wealth and fame, and the avarice, vanity and emptiness of his Western counterparts who have been trying to compete with him in the same line of work.


Finally here is the Aug. 19 Full Moon chart at Paris progressed to Aug 24, the date of Pavel Durov’s arrest. Notice the near perfect alignment of the Full Moon-Uranus T-square with the the horizon. Here Uranus [27ta11] is conjunct the TNP Admetus [4ge52]. Uranus stands for revolutionary ideas while Admetus stands for "facing blockages" [2]. So together Admetus-Uranus can be revolutionary ideas facing blockages. The Sabian symbol for Admetus is so appropriate in the current context. 


KEYNOTE: The explosive tendency of repressed feelings and root emotions. 

What is rigidly bound in form and convention tends to explode into formlessness. It may do so violently if socially oppressed — through revolution.



[1] First Republic: September 22, 1792, 9:18 am, Paris


