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Symbolic meaning of the erupting volcano


A Caged Animal

A volcano near a major naval base on Russia's eastern coast erupted early Sunday after a powerful magnitude-7.0 earthquake struck in the Pacific about 63 miles away, according to Russian state-run media. 

It was triggered by a powerful 7.0 magnitude earthquake off the east coast of Russia's Kamchatka peninsula at 7.10am local time on Sunday (8.10 pm UK time on Saturday), according to the US Geological Survey (USGS)


The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19 comes with high tension. Two T-squares dominate the zodiac on this day. The Sun and Mercury oppose the Moon, each squaring Uranus, which forms the apex of the T-square. 

Uranus (shocks,creative breakthroughs) and Taurus (earth) are an interesting combination to attempt to fathom. Taurus — the sign that, out of the entire zodiac, is the most resistant to change — meets the planet that insists upon it. Uranus challenges the status quo and forces both the individual and society to change and, in particular, to break with the past. On a physical level Uranus’ shock can move the earth causing an earthquake or even an eruption. 

So it is not surprising that when we draw the chart for the Full Moon at the co-ordinates of the volcano, we find that the Full Moon T-square straddles the horizon delivering its intense “earth shattering” energy.


Resonating with the above, is the chart for the reported time of the quake. Here the tense energy of the Mars-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn T-square that straddles the horizon anchored to Pluto (volcanic eruptions) is released. 

The Sabian symbol for the Ascendant [17vi13] if we allow a correction of only 14 arcminutes i.e. [16vi59] is absolutely stunning! 


KEYNOTE: The explosive energy of long-repressed contents of the subconscious. 

We are dealing here with the dramatic release of energies which have been kept in check by the outer shell of the ego controlled consciousness. It may be a spectacular catharsis, but it often takes paths of destruction. Yet unless some form of purification by fire is experienced, the inner pressure of the karmic past or of more recent frustrations would shake up perhaps even more destructively the very foundations of the personality. 

Dane Rudhyar points out that the erupting volcano (Phase 167) is a consequence of an unsuccessful navigation of the previous degree (Phase 166). 


KEYNOTE: A direct confrontation with the "wild" power of primordial nature within oneself. 

During this twelfth subcycle closing the first half of the cycle we deal with phases of unfoldment which can be very broadly classified under the term "e-ducation," i.e. a leading out into the world of transcendent activity. Every hidden motive and depth energy has to be "led out" and objectively faced. Until we face up to this honestly and deal with it wisely there will be suffering. 

This is the first stage of the thirty-fourth sequence of symbols. Its symbol speaks of KARMIC CONFRONTATION.

The warning contained in these two symbols is obvious. Be ready to deal with a devastating experience if you cannot deal with the "wild" power of primordial nature within yourself. (and this is not advocating suppression but rather bringing the rejected energy into the world of activity.)
