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Western Globalist Vultures Set to Prey On Ukraine's Orthodox Treasures


As the Kiev regime has de facto banned the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP), Western globalist elites are seeking to get their hands on Ukraine's cultural treasures, including those belonging to the UOC-MP.



This news is best understood if we look at the current transits in the Ukraine chart. The TNP Poseidon (religion and spirituality) placed in the 9th house (church and religion) is square Saturn [1aq] (tradition, orthodox). Transit Pluto [1aq] is moving over Saturn and will station exactly square Poseidon in October.

Saturn is conjunct stars of Aquila. About Aquila, in the Constellation of Stars, Anne Wright writes: 

In the IlkhanianTables, as perhaps elsewhere, it was Gups Petomenos, the Flying Vulture; the Turks call it Taushaugjil, their Hunting Eagle; — all these for the three bright stars. The Hebrews knew it as Neshr, an Eagle, Falcon, or Vulture. 

About the stars of Aquila, Diana Rosenberg comments: 

...but if their sights are set too low, or to the Vulture’s grasping for personal gain and a selfish drive for wealth, they betray their souls’ high extreme cases they inflict (or suffer) fanaticism, repulsive bigotry and virulent hatred, turning soaring Aquila and the Lyre/raptor into an imperial eagle and ravening vulture. 

One meaning of transit Pluto square radix Poseidon is destruction of churches. While we may empathize with the  Orthodox Church let us remember that we invite destructive incidents into our lives as per the psychological rule. (see below)
