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2000 GN171: Calibrating Power With Effectiveness


On November 7, 2023, Honda unveiled new electronic control technology for motorcycles. "Honda E-Clutch" enables starting, shifting, and stopping without manual clutch lever operations by automatically controlling the clutch*1. It's a world's-first technology.


The project headed by Junya Ono is based in Bracknell, UK. A chart for the November New Moon at Bracknell is shown here. The New Moon was placed conjunct the star Zubeneschamali.


The stars Zubenelgenubi and Zubeneschamali are in the constellation of the Scales about which Nick Fiorenza writes: 

Zubenelgenubi reveals past patterns that keep us entrapped in the reincarnational clutches--from attaining our highest destiny and evolutionary freedom. Karma does not mean something bad, it simply means our past experiential path, one that must be reconciled by moving forth from our past into our dharma. Zubeneschamali, the dharmic seat, lies slightly north of the ecliptic. Zubeneschamali embodies our responsibility to complete our chosen paths of incarnational involvement so we may claim our evolutionary freedom and spiritual awakening. This freedom is embodied by the Northern Crown, which lies above the clutches of the Scorpion. 

Diana Rosenberg links this area with “social innovators and reformers”. To understand what is at stake here I invite readers to look at the image above. Imagine a circle that symbolizes repeating a pattern. At one point in the circle an innovator breaks the cycle and moves into a spiral metaphorically symbolizing a change that leaves the past behind. The star Zubeneschamali marks this break. 

Next we note that on the Ascendant[13sa] are the asteroids 

47932           2000 GN171              16 sa

3200              Phaethon              17 sa


Benjamin Adamah writes that GN171 is about “calibrating personal power with personal influence”. In practical terms it is about power expressed as effectiveness. GN171 is a great powerhouse which must be calibrated with the ground reality (requirement) in order to be effective.


Now strangely that is exactly the function of a clutch in a IC engine (e.g. a car or motorbike). An IC engine delivers low torque at low speed. To move a vehicle at standstill a high torque is required. For that the engine must rev at high speed. The gearbox along with the clutch are able to overcome this mismatch. (calibrating power with effectiveness). 

So we have two asteroids on the Ascendant. One refers to a vehicle (Phaethon) and the other GN171 is essentially about the clutch. Now if we go back to New Moon stars...they are about a graduation or leaving a past behind. So the “social innovators/reformers” (Diana Rosenberg) have invented a new kind of clutch for the Honda motorbike! 

Staying with the asteroid GN171, here is another example. This time of a negative manifestation i.e. the inability to calibrate power with effectiveness. In the US Sibly, GN171 [11sa] is conjunct the Ascendant [12sa]. Given that the orbital period of GN171 is 247 years 256 days, the Sibly has been having its first GN171 return in the last couple of years. The NATO defeat in Ukraine and the loss of American influence among the Global South is testimony to tremendous power without effectiveness.

