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Boeing Workers Go On Strike


Sabian Gemini 21 (20° - 21°): A labour demonstration

Members of the International Association of Machinists And Aerospace Workers, which represents 33,000 Boeing employees at factories near Seattle and elsewhere, overwhelmingly rejected a 'historic contract offer' with the troubled planemaker and voted to go on strike. Sep. 13



World events when understood in the light of passing planetary transits help to increase our understanding of the myriad ways that planetary combinations can express themselves. 


In [1] we had a demonstration of common sense when the US showed restraint (Saturn) amid the allies pushing for a risky endeavour (Jupiter) to give long range weapons to Ukraine.


In [2] we saw the German government being cautious (Saturn) and not allowing its borders to be invaded (security) against the demand to alllow free movement of immigrants (Jupiter). Saturn in Pisces leads to redoubled efforts for control from fears that we may be swamped if we give in to the demands of others.


In [3] we see an example of Venus-Jupiter-Saturn: wastefulness and too rich living destroyed by Saturn. Overdoing the Venus-Jupiter love of risk and indulgence and facing the consequences of not seeing the interconnectedness of all life.


In [4] I discussed Ukraine’s counteroffensive in Kursk. With “Mars-Jupiter-Saturn combination on the angles. Ukraine went ahead with a foolhardy attempt at incursion into loosely defended Russian territory” and we now know that they faced defeat. An overenthusiastic and underprepared Jupiter willing to take big risks culminated in a disaster.


In Dissolving Fears; Moving into New Territory, I wrote : Just as the fish in the Pisces constellation swim in opp. directions, Saturn in Pisces is ambivalent.It asks us to enlarge and encompass more, but we can feel frightened when our boundaries lose solidity.


To understand the news on the Boeing strike, here is the chart for the First Quarter Moon at Seattle, Washington. Notice the classic Grand Cross activating the angles.


The First Quarter Moon in Jupiter ruled Saggitarius is conjunct stars of strong man Hercules . About this area, Diana Rosenberg writes “stubborn contentious fighters when they are sure of their cause. Issues include slavery or entrapment vs rebellion and freedom”. 

Jupiter is opposite the asteroid Icarus (aircrafts; risky endeavours). It is the dispositor of both the FQ Moon and Saturn and placed at [20ge04] for which the Sabian symbol is literally: 

Gemini 21 (20° - 21°): A labour demonstration 

It is healthier to release pent up emotions rather than to continue repressing them

While we cannot predict the outcome of the strike, if the leaders are well organized for the long haul and have thought through the consequences they may actually be victorious - a positive example of dissoloving fears and moving into new territory. 

So in this post we have seen several examples of the Jupiter-Saturn square - the same planetary configuration giving rise to several possibilities some positive and some very negative. What makes the difference? It is the level of our consciousness. If we are well prepared and conscious of the pros and cons we can move into new territory.



[1] Biden and Starmer meet amid storm over Ukraine weapons

[2] Germany Suspends Immigration

[3] British tycoon Mike Lynch dies at sea

[4] Dissolving Fears; Moving into New Territory
