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Capricorn Ingress urges “building bridges”


Submerged stone bridge from Genovesa Cave

Reconstructing early human colonization on Mediterranean islands is challenging due to limited archaeological evidence. By studying a 25-foot submerged bridge, an interdisciplinary research team - led by USF geology Professor Bogdan Onac - was able to provide compelling evidence of earlier human activity inside Genovesa Cave, located in the Spanish island of Mallorca. Aug 30


In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the four cardinal signs/ constellations, i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. Of these the Capricorn ingress is considered the most significant by many astrolgers who refer to it as the Annual Chart. and use the progression of its angles to predict important world events.


Here is the current Capricorn ingress chart draw for the co-ordinates of the Genovesa Cave (also known as Cova de’n Bessó). The Sun and Mercury make a trine aspect to Moon-Jupiter with Saturn making a sextile to both ends. 

Saturn [2pi25] is placed in the 4th house which among other things refers to the past . .. “to the foundation and roots of our existence”. The Sabian symbol of Saturn is: 


KEYNOTE: The power to preserve records of their achievements which is inherent in fully matured cultures. 

When a vast group of men succeed in building a culture with strong institutions which express themselves in significant symbols and works of art or literature, such an effort of many generations is rarely lost altogether. In one form or another, records of this culture endure or are mysteriously preserved, simply because they reveal the place and function of this particular culture in the long process of unfoldment of the potentialities inherent in archetypal MAN. 

Symbolically this degree is referring to “petrified” records of ancient cultures. 

Then we notice that Saturn sextiles Jupiter [5ta43]...whose Sabian appears to tell us quite literally what the “petrified” ancient record is! 


KEYNOTE: The conquest of separativeness through group-cooperation. 

 All great evolutionary challenges imply the overcoming of basic difficulties. A step ahead must be taken, yet an abyss confronts evolving man. A link must be built through the power of the collective mind of the group or of the community at large, on the basis of the legacy of the past, to make a bridge over the canyon. 

On the descendant [14ta] is the asteroid Albion [1] which is probably hinting at what we need to do as a collective in the present times. 

Albion – Builder of bridges between two worlds 

The astrological meaning of asteroid 15760 Albion (1992 QB1): emancipation, building bridges between social groups or different times, forming substantial new connections which catalyse major Zeitgeist-changes Albion thus seems to connect the end of one era to the kickoff of a new one.


The final test of the validity of our thesis is obtained by progressing the Capricorn ingress chart to Aug 30, the date of the news, when the progressed MC triggers the combination.
















