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Germany Suspends Immigration



BERLIN, Sept 9 (Reuters) - Germany's government announced plans to impose tighter controls at all of the country's land borders in what it called an attempt to tackle irregular migration and protect the public from threats such as Islamist extremism. The controls within what is normally a wide area of free movement - the European Schengen zone - will start on Sept. 16 and initially last for six months, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said on Monday.



Astrologers routinely draw charts for exact planetary aspects. Those places where these aspect combinations appear on the horizon or meridian are then considered especially vulnerable to events linked to those combinations.


Here is the chart for the Sun-Saturn opposition of Sep. 8 drawn for Berlin. Notice that it aligns perfectly with the horizon forming a T-square with Jupiter. 

A Jupiter-Saturn square energy is a bit of a seesaw ...should one "do more... or less," should one to take a path that sounds better or "hang in there" through some tough and trying times. We will often face choices that are, ultimately, between Security vs Freedom . I think you'll be seeing the consequences of dishonesty.. of what happens when people do "too much" (even of a "good" thing,) make promises, or over-extend themselves and ignore "gut instincts" and emotional realities. Some events could be characterized by saying that people are seeing the results of a loss of perspective (and, in some people, that loss of perspective means that they inflated themselves or their possibilities, they--in a sense, "got carried away with it," refused to see some things--and now have to "pull in their horns" and deal with harsh realities and the test of having to "put their money where their mouth was!"). Martha Wescott 

With Saturn in Pisces, we meet the opportunity to determine whether we need fewer boundaries (more openness) or more boundaries to protect ourselves from chaotic forces. Saturn in Pisces dissolves boundaries, and when we are unnecessarily walled off or overprotected, it can be liberating to drop some defenses. At the other extreme, it can also leading to redoubled efforts for control from fears that we may be swamped if we give in to the demands of others. It is the latter that is happening with Germany. 

The Virgo Sun opposite Pisces Saturn resonates with the same theme. Stripped down, the Virgo-Pisces axis is logic vs dreams. Cold, hard facts and results and emotional, empathetic sensitivity. 

Finally the Sabian symbol is describing the problem quite elegantly. 



This symbol is referring to the problem of digestion (assimilation) if we indiscrimanately take in food (migrants) from all over the world. The terrible cost of having failed to moderate our will to expand is an existential threat. The symbol highlights the supreme importance of applying reasonable ​limits to our desire-nature
