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Haitians Overwhelm City, Eat Local Wildlife


Sirius - The Wolf Star

The city of Springfield, Ohio - population 60,000, has been overwhelmed by roughly 20,000 Haitian illegal migrants, who flocked to the city - exacerbating a 'significant housing crisis' according to city officials, and eating pets and wildlife according to locals. Sep. 9



The news is elegantly explained if we study the Davison Relationship Chart (DRC)  [1] between the US Sibly and the national chart for Haiti [2]. Here the solar arc progressed Sun [2sa] makes hard aspects to the asteroids Diana [0ge] - Ceres [1pi] - Vesta [3pi] 

Ceres: Food

Diana: Animals; belief in hunter-prey dynamics.

Vesta: Emotionally detached


Combined it can mean an emotionally detached attitude to hunting animals for food 

 Here is the lunar return chart for the DRC

MC is conjunct Quaoar [8cp] - Ceres [8cp] - Cupido [6cp] opposite Kronos [16cn] - Hades [14cn] 

Nick Fiorenza indicates that Quaoar “helps us release and surrender to the natural order of the creative forces governing life and death”. 

Cupido/Hades/Kronos: Family or group unity (Cupido) affected by members violating the law(Kronos) and doing distasteful or disgusting things (Hades). 

To complete the picture, we notice that both Hades and Kronos are conjunct the stars Sirius, (alpha Canis Major) and Canopus (alpha Argo Navis)


In China Sirius was the baleful Jackal or “Wolf Star” associated with thievery and looting. It was said that when the Wolf star changed color, banditry would curse the land. And at least two Amerind tribes, the Pawnee and Osage, called Sirius either the “Wolf Star”or “Coyote Star”.


Canopus as the brightest star of Argo Navis - the celestial Ship is metaphorically linked to long journeys and by association to migrants! 

So that would appear to complete the picture...migrants involved in thievery and looting!!



[2] Haiti: 1 Jan 1804 7:17 LMT


