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Has the EU suddenly realized how much it has screwed itself over



The EU is having a full-blown existential crisis. Someone has really screwed up its economy, and the culprit is conspicuously absent from a new report outlining the carnage. Are there no mirrors in Brussels? Former European Central Bank president and Italian prime minister, Mario Draghi, has published a new “economic competitiveness” report (on Sep. 9) after a year of work at the request of unelected ‘Queen’ Ursula von der Leyen’s ‘Royal’ European Commission. And it’s a real page-turner, one of the great mysteries of our times.


Anyone with the slightest common sense could see where the EU was headed with the self-sabotaging policies of its leaders and yet in the 400-page document, Draghi cannot find a culprit responsible for the massive amount of economic carnage he details. 

The New Moon of Sep. 3 at [11vi03] was conjunct Draghi’s [1] radix Sun and the star Zosma.

“Denebola is of a foul breeze, indicative of smoke screens and diversions. Denebola, along with earlier Zosma and Chort, create the hind of the lion. This area of the Leo is of those behind the scenes, of the political religious figures manipulating the affairs of the world”.[2] 

And here is Draghi’s Wynn Key Return for Sep.9, the date on which his report was published. On the angles is the powerful Sun-Jup-Saturn T-square.


 I think you'll be seeing the consequences of dishonesty.. of what happens when people over-extend themselves and ignore "gut instincts" and emotional realities. Some events could be characterized by saying that people are seeing the results of a loss of perspective (and, in some people, that loss of perspective means that they inflated themselves or their possibilities, they--in a sense, "got carried away with it," refused to see some things--and now have to "pull in their horns" and deal with harsh realities and the test of having to "put their money where their mouth was!"). Martha Wescott 

In a previous post At Last, the EU Wakes Up [3] I wrote of the European Union’s missed opportunity to wake up from its vassalage. 

 Saturn transit allows us the transformative option of bringing more of our Pluto potential into a concrete, workable form ( We get to manifest some of what has been typically kept under wraps because of hidden fears, internal taboos, shame, intimidation or ignorance of our potential). 

This then is the challenge for the EU at the Saturn return. European foreign policy has thus far been dictated by the US. The Saturn return provides an opportunity for Europe to acquire integrity and stand up to being bullied. 

The Eurpoean Union could guarantee not an emancipation of those many countries that had now radically changed since the time of the Second World War. It was not a Union that was based on real cooperation and shared policies, not a Union that truly lived as Europeans and invigorated the peoples of Europe, but rather a Union as an expression of political vassalage – for the military there already existed NATO – and economic vassalage, with the bankers of the American holding companies beginning to speculate indiscriminately, dictating the future of millions of people with their usurious financial devices. The only interests protected were those ‘of others’, certainly not those of the ‘citizens’ of the European Union. 

Now with Uranus transiting over the EU Moon in the 10th triggering the Mars-Pluto-Moon-Saturn T-square, a new opportunity presents itself to the EU. Will they be able to break free from the vassalage? 

With Draghi’s solar arc directed Sum [26sc] opposite the EU Moon and just separating from a conjuction to the EU Pluto [25sc] triggering the powerful T-square, he becomes an actor in whole drama. Transiting Uranus will be triggering the EU’s T-square and Draghi’s Sun well into 2025.Can the member countries of the EU see through the “smoke screens and diversions” mentioned under the stars of the New Moon?









