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Henry Hazlitt and the demise of Bretton Woods


Henry Hazlitt

In July of 1944, a year and some months before the official end to the Second World War, allied powers gathered at the Bretton Woods Hotel in New Hampshire to hammer out a new economic order that would dominate the world at war’s end.In the early days of the conference, the New York Times (NYT) editorialized against the scheme. The pen behind the unsigned editorials was the great economist Henry Hazlitt. Hazlitt criticized the proposed new monetary system. He said that by making the dollar the world reserve currency, and guaranteeing convertibility into gold only by large trading nations, the new system could not last. This is because there was no mechanism to police nations’ fiscal and monetary policies. The new system would enable endless expansion of money and credit abroad without consequence. The United States would experience, eventually, a devastating gold outflow. At some point in the future, he predicted, the United States would have to suspend convertibility. This is precisely what happened, not right away but eventually. In 1971, Richard Nixon stopped the system whereby the United States shipped out gold.


What we are watching now is the final unraveling of the system of 1944 in all its parts, including the tweak of 1971, which introduces grave dangers to the world of both depression and war. The way out of this predicament is not another cockamamie world order constructed by another globalist economic guru like Keynes. We need a simple return to fiscal and monetary soundness.


Henry Hazlitt was born 28 Nov. 1894 in Philadelphia. The most notable combination in his chart is Sun-Venus opposite Pluto-Neptune. A Venus (money)- Pluto (control) combination is perfect for an economist. The Sun and Venus are conjunct the star Antares 

Antares is the heart of the Scorpion. In classical astrology, Antares is the star of war and weaponry, and with expounded meaning, to challenge the established opposing politics (an arena common to the Antares / Aldebaran axis) with tenacious adamancy. This is especially in regard to taking a stand against the established conditions of our personal lives and against the established order or authority directing our lives when those conditions or that authority are no longer in our best interest nor supporting our evolutionary freedom and fulfillment.

 In April to Aug. 1944, transit Uranus was moving over Hazlitt’s Sun-Venus opposite Pluto-Neptune providing the necessary “revolutionary” impetus to oppose Keynes’ ideas -- Hazlitt’s Sun-Venus -Pluto-Neptune was aligned with Keynes’ radix Sun[14ge].


Not surprisingly, a chart for the solar eclipse of July 20, 1944 drawn for Bretton Woods has its horizon axis aligned with Hazlitt’s Sun-Venus -Pluto-Neptune - Keynes’ radix Sun suggesting an opposition between the ideas of the two economists. 

This eclipse belonged to the Saros 19 North.. About this Saros Seies Bernadette Brady writes: 

This Saros Series is about realism, a coming down to earth. The individual will become aware of an old situation, and see it for what it is rather than what he or she thought it was. This can be a constructive time for tackling the truth.


Unfortunately while the eclipse was pointing to a need for realism...that did not dawn till the Nixon Shock of August 15, 1971 which was preceded by the July 22, 1971 solar eclipse [28cn] which along with its Ascendant [26cn] was activating the July 20, 1944 solar eclipse [27cn]. But going back to the July 1944 eclipse chart, two Sabian symbols tell us what happened, that of Uranus on the Ascendant and the MC. 

Sabian Symbol for Uranus Gemini 12 (11° - 12°): A NEGRO GIRL FIGHTS FOR HER INDEPENDENCE IN THE CITY.

Habits of behaviour and thought are heavy burdens that must be cast off if we want to journey into new realms. Despite the apparent freedom of choice offered by new opportunities, we certainly find ourselves caught up in patterns that limit our personal expression. These are residual thought-forms, both personal and cultural, that tend to make us do and think what we have become habituated to do and think. To be truly free we must liberate ourselves from these ghosts of the past.

(Doesn’t the Negro girl demanding her rights sound like the BRICS along with the Global South rebelling against the monetary order.)


Sabian Symbols for MC Aquarius 10 (9° - 10°): A POPULARITY THAT PROVES EPHENERAL 

Our ideals are projected onto celebrities (Keynes?); but underneath the glamour the person is only yet another imperfect person. 

Bretton Woods and its main architect Keynes’ popularity has certainly proved ephermeral as Pluto, the great destroyer of all that does not serve the greater good, transits conjunct the Sibly Pluto and the July 1944 eclipse South Node (that which must be released). 





