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Is A Market Crash In The Air?


U.S. stocks rose on Friday (Aug. 16) as investors closed out the best week of 2024, part of a market comeback from a violent rout to begin August. CNN. Markets are manipulated, yes, but they're still structures of tightly bound, self-organizing complexity which lend themselves to sudden non-linear collapses.


The changes in motion from direct to retrograde and retrograde to direct are called “stations.” A forward-moving planet will slow down, come to a stop and then begin moving backwards; a retrograde planet will do the same in reverse. 

Many events can be explained by planets at their station point. On Oct 12, Pluto will station direct at [29cp38]. Fated events may force the elimination of controlling habits, compulsions, addictions or prejudices. 

The station takes place conjunct the Sibly Pluto [27cp32] in the 2nd house. Among areas ruled by the 2nd house, Deborah Houlding has “all places and activities concerned with money-making; such as banks, the stock exchange, financial institutions, money markets and trade”. 

For further confirmation take a look at the NYSE chart. Pluto station completes a T-square with Saturn-Neptune on the meridian axis. At this blogsite, I have often mentioned that Saturn is a reality-check. It brings the energies of discipline and judgment to balance Neptune’s imaginary and escapist leanings. The Pluto station is likely to cause a stock market crash bringing escapism to our awareness in the harsh light of day.   But the crash may not have  to wait for Oct. 12,  the  Neptune Full Moon eclipse may hasten that as explained below. 

Markets crash after a brief bit of panic selling is immediately bought and markets are returned to a permanently high plateau of valuation as we saw in August, as the S&P 500 shot back up within a whisker or two of all-time highs. 

This occurred just before the Full Moon of Aug 19 that was square Uranus [27ta] ...conjunct the NYSE radix Sun [27ta]. 

The Zero Hedge article then presents the Oasis indicator and the yawning "jaws of death" charts that appear to confirm an impending crash. 

Finally just around the Sept 17 lunar eclipse, (a) the NYSE lunar return and (b) the Sibly lunar return brings the ominous Sun-Neptune opposition to the meridian.


Of all planets Neptune is adept at undermining things from within. In the material world he causes things to decay. And on the spiritual level he will eat away at everything we believe in by discrediting and casting doubt on all that we hold to be true and sacred. But Neptune cannot undermine if he did not at the same time hold before us some ideal to be contrasted with its faulty reality. If a true reality is to be appreciated and outwardly realized then a false reality must be shown up for what it is. When we truly come to understand Neptune, we may find that he is actually the revealer of reality. [1]



[1] Sun-Neptune synod: Unveiling of deceptions
