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Massive Political Shake-Up in Canada


In what's turned into a massive political shake-up in Canada, Jagmeet Singh, leader of the progressive National Democratic Party (NDP), is pulling the plug on his party's support deal with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal government. Singh is set to announce the breakup in a video going live on social media Wednesday afternoon - a move that could send shockwaves through the country's political landscape. Sep.4


This unexpected turn of events in Canada is easily understood if we begin with the current solar return (precession corrected) for Canada [1]. Notice that it has a prominent Grand Cross aligned with the meridian. The Sun square the lunar nodes - a “Moon wobble” is linked to “political upheavals” [2]. This unstable configuration has been triggered by transit Venus moving over the Libra MC as also triggering the March 25 lunar eclipse at [5li]. 

About the Libra eclipse, Gray Crawford wrote: 

Eclipses demarcate periods of accelerated change, even more so than normal when in the cardinal signs of Libra and Aries. ....the windy intellect of Libra whirls with great speed, weighing options and calculating the dynamics at play in decision making. The Lunar Eclipse in Libra on 25 March 2024 heralds our official entrance into eclipse season, a month of fast moving events that will necessitate adapting to the currents of change.

Amplifying the potential for sudden breaks with the past is the building intensity brewing in between Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. Jupiter will be less than five degrees away from Uranus at the time of the Libra Lunar Eclipse.. 

The good news is that Jupiter and Uranus are an ideal combination for liberating yourself from longstanding issues, patterns, and roles that have been restricting you from your full creative expression. Jupiter and Uranus joining together can kindle the inspiring fire needed to finally motivate you to take the risk to overturn old sources of security that have become stifling or limiting. 

With the Moon on the side of the South Node.. there will be a general impetus for seeking new directions while letting go of past identities and the way that old memories can keep us stuck in patterns that have become restricting or inauthentic. 

So letting go of old baggage or growing beyond bad habits or a relationship are legitimate interpretations of  Venus  crossing the south node. 


[1] Canada, 1 July 1867; 12:05 LMT; Ottawa

