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Olympian Rebecca Cheptegei dies


The former boyfriend of Ugandan Olympic athlete Rebecca Cheptegei, who killed her by setting her on fire, has himself died from burns sustained in the attack, a Kenyan hospital official has said. Dickson Ndiema ambushed the marathon runner as she returned home from church more than a week ago. He then doused her with petrol and set her ablaze.Local administrators said the two had been in conflict over a small piece of land in north-west Kenya, where Cheptegei lived and trained. ..Cheptegei, from a region just across the border in Uganda, is said to have bought a plot in Trans Nzoia county and built a house to be near Kenya's elite athletics training centres.


Many news events have causes that go back in time. This news is one such example. In this post we trace this tragic event to the last lunar eclipse of March 28 at Eldoret, where the incident took place. Notice that the eclipse Moon [5li] was placed in the 5th house associated with games and sports and by association with sports men and women. With the Moon here we are likely looking at a sports woman. 

Can anyone imagine a relationship thriving without a generous dose of respectful compromise, tact and courtesy. With the south node in Libra, we may have become too skilled in the art of “getting along”. These include needing to be so in tune with another that we leave the needs of the Self. Also, needing peace and harmony so much that we fall into unhealthy pleasing, passivity, and turning an eye away from that which is not peaceful yet still requires our attention. The south node Libra eclipse may be warning us not to adapt to the environment to the point of losing the Self. 


 In the eclipse chart the Sun [5ar] is conjunct the asteroid Hera [4ar] and opposite the Moon [5li] with Siva [8li]. 

Martha Wescott interprets Hera/Siva as below: 

Expect to notice how people in a relationship are "the means of each other's destruction." What really asks for destruction are fixed notions about HOW A RELATIONSHIP SHOULD BE... And what would be more fitting than to have close others "help" one see and face their inner dragons (even if it doesn't seem like an act of love at the time!)..There may be moments when a person "rages" against a partner, along with times when one "withdraws"--and then comes back. 

So what was the trigger on Sep. 1 that activated the eclipse chart. Well for one thing, Uranus [27ta] stationed retrograde within a degree of the Ascendant [26ta] and the asteroid Minerva [26ta] and the deadly star Algol associated with gruesome murders . The question raised by Minerva-Uranus is “will you stand by your individuality or are you willing to do anything to please another”. Uranus in earth sign Taurus can be exercising your independence in connection with a piece of land!

Cheptegei died last Thursday (Sep.5) at 05:30 [02:30 GMT] with Uranus SR [27ta] exactly on the MC.



Finally we notice that the eclipse axis completed a Grand Cross with the TNPs Cupido-Hades-Kronos. In the current context this combination can be delineated as “differences of opinion (Kronos) causes a messy situation (Hades) in a family (Cupido)”


On the eclipse, Gray Crawford wrote: 

The first decan of Libra being focused on justice is further shown by the Hellenistic text The 36 Airs of the Zodiac ascribing the Erinyes (also known as the Furies) to the first face of Libra. The Erinyes are chthonic goddesses who serve natural law and punish transgressors who commit criminal acts, especially known for taking vengeance against those who break their oaths and murder family members.

It’s likely that previously hidden evidence revealing inequities of injustice will shift into visible awareness in the aftermath of the lunar eclipse, and it’s possible that oath breakers and transgressors who have been out of balance will face a karmic reckoning and the sword of Justice. In our personal lives we may need to come to terms with issues of injustice, whether we are on one side or the other, or it may be more about having to manage the awakening of unconscious material that overthrows the order that had been imposed by our conscious perception.

