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Revenge of the colonized? Gas-rich Algeria could now control Europe

Ovid: The Revenge Goddess - Tisiphone

Algiers is now playing an increasingly important role in ensuring EU energy security and is itself moving toward economic sovereignty. In the spring of 2022, at the height of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the EU began thinking about abandoning Russian gas supplies and reducing energy consumption as much as possible. EU countries began looking elsewhere, and one of the places they focused their attention on was Algeria.

The phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth especially when they align with the angles at any place. A New Moon or Full Moon can act as a local “step down transformer” for powerful energies generated by far away stars and planets that it aspects.

The Sept 3 New Moon [11vi] falls on the Ascendant [12vi] of the national chart of Algeria activating its major solar direction. 

Directed Sun [11vi] - asteroids Tisiphone [11vi] - Juno [11vi] are conjunct the Ascendant [12vi] activating the Jupiter-Pluto opposition straddling the radix horizon. 

Martha Wescott delineates as below: 

TISIPHONE: Seek justice for "crimes against kinship, family;" dose of one's own medicine; fairness; just desserts; how and where and if one gets “what they deserve.” 

JUNO: maintenance of one's rights or position with other; question of “rights” and fairness/compromise; enforcement of fairness; potential for score keeping, tallying ($$$ & fairness).



You may be aware that $$$ are somehow tied into what has been perceived as "unfair," or that money is used as part and parcel of the scheme to "get even." In its simplest form, this is like someone saying, "I'll fix you; I'll go for your wallet!" but it can certainly be more sophisticated than that--even to people expecting to be punished in connection with $$$ or linking money to redress or childhood problems. 

Currently, EU’s directed solar arc Sun [9sa34] is square Algeria’s Pluto [8vi01] - Jupiter [12pi41] on the Ascendant [12vi19] - Descendant [12pi19]. Also on the descendant is the asteroid Circe (helper) [8pi]. 

About Jupiter/Pluto, Martha Wescott writes: 


"Beware of Greeks bearing gifts," and scrutinize any Trojan Horses that are dragged to your door. There will be times when folks--under the guise of being helpful or wonderful--HAVE A POWERFUL EFFECT...for good or ill. This means that some may have power or dominance needs as motives. Others may provide help that become the basis for very important changes. Unfortunately, you may not always notice the difference between the two (until you do!) 

Finally we note that the Sept New Moon [11vi]  that activates the entire configuration, is placed among the stars Zosma, Chort and Denebola symbolizing combustible gases in the hind of the Lion [2][3]. 


[1] European Union [EU]: 1 Nov. 1993; 0:00 CET, Brussels 

[2] Full Moon reveals lies about methane leaks at US petroleum operations 

[3] Eclipse forces withdrawal of VW cars that cheated on emissions
