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‘River to the Sea’ is not hate speech


In a development that will be cheered by those who promote open discourse on social media platforms and condemned by ardent supporters of the State of Israel, Meta's independent Oversight Board for Instagram and Facebook on Wednesday ruled that the controversial slogan "from the river to the sea" is not inherently hate speech in the context of the Israel-Palestine conflict, and should therefore not be subjected to automatic deletion. Aug 6

 "From the river to the sea" is a political phrase that refers geographically to the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, an area historically called Palestine, which today includes Israel and the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza.The phrase and similar phrases have been used both by Palestinian and Israeli politicians to mean that the area should consist of one state.


Astrologers recognize that planetary movements are responsible for the major issues or dilemmas we face. The Wynn Key Return of the US Sibly for Aug 6 brings the Sun opposite Saturn (forming) to the meridian implying that it may be central to understanding the dilemma. 

Lynn Bell in her article Saturn in Pisces - Dissolving Boundaries explains: 

Just as the fish in the Pisces constellation swim in opposite directions, Saturn in Pisces is ambivalent. Saturn asks us to enlarge and encompass more, but we can feel frightened when our boundaries lose solidity. We can feel destabilized by a lack of control and overwhelmed by chaos. 

Saturn in Pisces dissolves boundaries, and when we are unnecessarily walled off or overprotected, it can be liberating to drop some defenses. It can also be frightening to feel at sea. One of Saturn’s primary functions is to protect, solidify, and define our limits. In contrast, Pisces is the most fluid, changeable, and multiform of signs. Pisces has an inherent sense of limitlessness, infinite possibilities, a wide range of emotions, and a vast imagination. 

Can it a coincidence that as Meta's Oversight Board rules that the controversial slogan "from the river to the sea" is not inherently hate speech,  we have Saturn  conjunct Achernar, the brightest star of Eridanus where the celestial river meets the sea!


Finally here is the current lunar return chart for last year’s Hamas attack (Oct 7, 2023; 3:30 am UT; Gaza City) with the same Sun opposite Saturn on the meridian repeating the theme above.



