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Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now To Confess?



Consider Mark Zuckerberg’s revelation and its implications for our understanding of the last four years, and what it means for the future. On many subjects important to public life today, vast numbers of people know the truth, and yet the official channels of information sharing are reluctant to admit it. 

This is why the admission of Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg was so startling. It’s not what he admitted. We already knew what he revealed. What’s new is that he admitted it. We are simply used to living in a world swimming in lies. It rattles us when a major figure tells us what is true or even partially or slightly true. We almost cannot believe it, and we wonder what the motivation might be.

In his August 26 letter to Congressional investigators, Zuckerbeg flat-out said what everyone else has been saying for years now. Facebook was pressured to censor information that was uncomfortable for the Biden administration.

Here is the chart of the moment FB was first online [1] which can be treated as its birth chart. The current primary direction (Van Dam) is : 

Directed Saturn [0le20] square MC [0ta20] (exact 21 April 24)...triggered by Pluto transit [0aq20] now completing a T-square. 

Under Saturn-Pluto we may recognize some facet of our social system that has forced us to behave against our inner grain… especially if we us have not been too aggressive with our Plutonian drives. In this case defiance and rage (Pluto) have not been a part of our repertoire in dealing with power and authority (Saturn) , then tSaturn-Pluto allows us the transformative option of bringing more of our Pluto potential into a concrete, workable form . We get to manifest some of what has been typically kept under wraps because of hidden fears, internal taboos, shame, intimidation or ignorance of our potential. It also brings emphasis to address patterns of avoidance or fears or fabricating reasons justifying disempowerment and inaction by blaming external conditions. This requires determination and conviction to willingly choose to live authentically. 

Finally here is the current Lunar Return chart for Facebook.



Our attention  is drawn to the Sun-Mercury (retro) - Uranus square on the angles which suggests a revision of attitude/mind. 

And the  Sabian symbol for the retro Mercury is stunning! 

Leo 30 (29° - 30°): An unsealed letter 

Secrets can only remain secrets for a while; ​all that is known by one will eventually be known by all. "Confidence arising from spiritual integrity"





