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BRICS: A New World Order In The Making



With the BRICS Summit 2024 accurately described as “A new world order in the making”, this report notes, the current BRICS member countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Ethiopia, Egypt, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates – collectively represent around 46% of the world’s population and over 36% of global GDP—and nearly three dozen states have expressed interest in joining BRICS or deepening cooperation with the group, and many of them have sent top level delegations to Kazan.


While eclipses are worldwide in their scope, they are especially influential in places where they align with the horizon or meridian. The Full Moon eclipse of Sep 18 is therefore very significant for Kazan, Russia where it falls on the horizon making (a) a T-square (b) a Kite Formation. 

The eclipse is in a T-square with Jupiter-Neptune. Neptune-in-Pisces's idealistic understanding of our indivisible collective interconnectedness must overcome the barrier of Jupiter-in-Gemini placed in a Sabian degree [21ge] that speaks of a “tumultous labor demonstration” - a protest against the abundance stolen by the "ruling class". It has becomes harder to ignore the unequal footings, unfair relational dynamics, and unkind treatments which perpetually seem to 'taint' human nature. These, too, are integral elements of our interconnected being, like it or not. Any sophisticated understanding of life mustn't shut its eyes to this eternal truth. The Sabian for the eclipse Moon [26pi] emphasizes the need to separate from all that is not working and for “people to go ahead with their individual projects”. 

The Moon is conjunct the star Markab in the saddle of the Flying Horse Pegasus. This star is about the fulfillment of the physical needs of humanity before it can be uplifted. The association of BRIC countries hopes to do just that for its populace. The eclipse “kite” formation containing an Earth (physical resources) Grand Trine - Sun-Uranus-Pluto appears to promise just that.

Using a 10 deg. orb, Richard Tarnas states that the Uranus-Pluto square was active from 2007-2020 and with a 1 deg alignment between 2012-2015. This covers roughly the time BRICS as an institution was born.. The square alignment indicated a breakdown in our largest institutions (Capricorn) that started from within the institutions themselves following an overplaying of their power in ways that were clearly self-serving rather than for the greater good (Pluto), which was then furthered by an unexpected rebellion (Uranus) against institutional malfeasance, a seemingly spontaneous insurrection that occured from the ground level up, fomented by individuals or groups (Aries) who stood up in protest against the oppressive influence of such institutions. 

We are now entering a period when Uranus and Pluto will be trine each other - heralding the birth of a new order [1]. This is the period that we can expect the square aspect to begin to bear fruit. What do I mean by “bearing fruit?” The hoped-for changes would be a civilization that is more balanced, healthy, and sane, where we humans regard ourselves as part of the Family of Life on this planet. With Neptune, the planet of compassion as apex of the kite, BRICS may begin the process of moving away (at least to some extent) from the competitive model and the scramble to amass scarce resources no matter who suffers , by moving toward rebuilt societies that integrate greater possibilities for sharing, cooperation, and empathy in the interpersonal interactions and the institutions we co-create to guide our social affairs. [2] 

As the BRICS meeting gets underway on Oct. 22, transit Sun [27li] completes a YOD with Uranus-Neptune signalling the possibility of discovering ways in which we can come together (Neptune) and yet maintain our individual ways of living (Uranus). The Sabian for the Full Moon of Oct 17 “a man gaining experience at two levels of being” appears to suggest that this is indeed possible!


[1] Astrology of the first BRICS summit 

In this post I wrote about how the Jan 19, 2009 solar eclipse fell on the MC at Yekaterinburg, Russia where the inaugural BRIC summit took place on June 16, 2009. The eclipse was conjunct the Vulpecula pulsar whose message is “to let go and to move on--from an old covert and manipulative fear-based exclusive way of participating, to a more open, wholesome and inclusive way of participating. The need here is to realize it is time to mobilize upon more expansive direction”. (Nick Fiorenza). The Sabian for the eclipse degree was “a child born of an eggshell”. Dane Rudhyar interprets this as “The emergence of new mutations.. EMERGENCE OF GLOBAL MAN for the New Age.... in perfect freedom from ancient standards of value based on local conditions”. 


[2] Bill Herbst
