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Empire Of Lies Crumbles


About nine months ago, the WSJ Editor-in-Chief admitted to Davos elites that legacy media outlets no longer had a monopoly on information and narratives. In other words, misinformation and disinformation campaigns to brainwash the masses were no longer working. 

"We owned the news. We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts as well ... Nowadays, people can go to all sorts of different sources for the news. And they're much more questioning about what we're saying," WSJ EIC Emma Tucker said. Oct 7



Below is an extract from a previous post [1] on the US media: 

In the US Sibly, the Moon is positioned in the third house in hard aspect to Sun and Saturn. Saturn, which also rules the 3rd house, is conjunct the stars of Corvus – the lying raven .... 

The Crow is a talking bird, and these are people in love with gossip, tidings, what’s happening, what’s new, what’s up – many journalists, newsmen and media people are born under these stars. The worst of them become greedy, scavenging and exploiting opportunists. But also here are the stars of the Virgin which longs for “truth” and “purity”. 

Is it a coincidence that the news comes to us just as transit Sun [14li] is moving over Sibly Saturn [14li] and the stars of Corvus!

If we look at the current transits, we find a 6th house Uranus [27ta] which stationed early September forming a square aspect to the Moon [27aq] in the 3rd house. Among other things, the 6th house rules the working classes while Uranus reflects a dissatisfaction at best and a rebellious desire for change at worst. 

Uranus represents the principle of change, of freedom, rebellion, and revolution. It governs the sudden breakup of established structures, and tends to have an exciting and electric quality. The Promethean impulse associated with the planet Uranus represents that part of us that seeks to go our own way, to choose our own individual path in life. Uranus correlates with that stage in the archetypal birth process in which one is suddenly liberated from the constrictions of the birth canal and experiences sudden freedom, awakening, new life, new identity, a radical expansion of horizons: Richard Tarnas 

It is my guess that after this transit is over (somewhere around mid 2026) the US MSM may not exist at least not in its current form. 

[1] Mainstream Media Stock Prices Collapsing


