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First Ever Communication Between People in Dreams


REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Researchers at REMspace, a California-based startup, have achieved a historic milestone, demonstrating that lucid dreams could unlock new dimensions of communication and humanity’s potential. Using specially designed equipment, two individuals successfully induced lucid dreams and exchanged a simple message. Oct 8



Humanity is entering a stage where a powerful configuration involving harmonious aspects between the three outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto is building up to release its transformative energy over the next few years. Uranus and Pluto will form a trine with Neptune in the middle sextile both ends. As we wait for these outer energies to percolate into human consciousness, we can get a preview of what is to come when important mundane events highlight them. For example here is the current Libra ingress of the Sun drawn for Redwood City. Notice that the ingress Sun makes a ‘kite’ formation with Uranus-Neptune-Pluto. This becomes even more significant when we progress the chart to Oct. 8, the date of the news, when the progressed Ascendant reaches a conjunction to the Sun triggering the configuration.


A Kite is a planetary aspect pattern that occurs when three planets in the chart form a Grand Trine and a fourth planet is opposite (180°) one of the Grant Trine planets, and thus forms a sextile aspect (60°) to the other two configured planets. Kite patterns share many of the characteristics of the Grand Trine, but the fourth planet, in opposition, adds an additional point of tension and challenge to the pattern. This planet, sometimes known as the focal planet, often forms a point of emphasis —a place they can channel the talents inherent in the Grand Trine. Here the Uranus-Pluto trine is about major scientific breakthoughs but the focal planet Neptune hints at where the breakthrough could take place - in the area of dreams and psychic research.


Aiding this is the position of Uranus in the ninth house. The ninth house among other things rules “the higher mind; dreams and visions”. With Uranus in the ninth we have the opportunity to greatly expand our awareness of the world and gain insights that we never could have had before. It is in the ninth house that we can make contact and unite with our high self, the superconscious self, the over-soul. Its deeper significance lies in its relationship with the world beyond the perception of the physical sense organs. Therefore, the ninth includes clear and true dreams, extended perceptions (sometimes labeled “psychic”), the extensive mind, and the intuitive mind. [1] 

The ingress Sun [0li] is conjunct the asteroid Hekate[1li]. 

HEKATE: The inner sense of knowing-and whether one can trust that; night; dreams; intuitive wisdom. [2] 





