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Is Netanyahu dead?


Houthis Fire Missiles At Israel's Ben Gurion Airport As Netanyahu Arrives

...Not only that, Italian P3 Freemason and Mossad sources say Netanyahu was rushed to the Souraski hospital in Tel Aviv after his plane from the United States was hit by two Yemeni Houthi missiles while landing at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv. Hospital sources then confirmed he was declared clinically dead.


This news is from Ben Fulford and not on any mainstream media. Knowing how media is suppressed that may not be surprising. In a previous post [1], I wrote: 

In Netanyahu’s horoscope (Oct. 21, 1949) the most important solar direction is: 

Sun [13cp] making hard aspects to his radix elements: Orpheus [11ar] - Pandora [12cp] - Siva [15li] - Neptune [15li] 

The combination Orpheus-Pandora translates to “unexpected death”. If we superimpose this combination on Israel’s chart we have a T-square with Israel’s radix Neptune [10li34] in the 12th house of mystery or secrecy.


The upcoming Oct 3 solar eclipse [10li03] falls on Israel’s Neptune in the 12th house, triggering the T sq above. So the alternative media news may not be off the mark. 

In his book Mundane Astrology, H.S. Green writes: 

Eclipse in the twelfth house: Liable to bring some misfortune, sorrow, discredit or drawback to the country, the Monarch, the Government, especially if a solar eclipse.


Here is the chart for the solar eclipse drawn for Tel Aviv. It is placed in the mundane 5th house about which H.S. Green notes: 

Unfortunate for the royalty; some great person may die. 

The solar eclipse will be conjunct two newly discovered entities - the dwarf planet Makemake and the centaur Rhiphonos. 

Sun-Moon [10li04] = Makemake [10li17] - Rhiphonos [11li15] = Jup/Plu [10ar27]

Makemake can bring to our awareness the manipulative and diversionary antics of old-paradigm world politics, and may also act to sort out those who are truly worthy of being in a leadership role from those who are not. [2] 

With Rhiphonos, there is at first a notion of being stuck or an impasse, then an awareness of a farce, dead end or dormant state or wrong turn that was taken earlier in life, followed by a decision to take the leap to another course, another attitude, by means of which a different actuality, life situation and future is created. However, in its negative manifestation, Rhiphonos can fear taking a new path out of cowardice and permanently poison one’s own remaining life or that of others.[3] 

So what do we have if we blend the Makemake-Rhiphonos energies. Well we could for example have Israeli leadership that forces the nation to continue on its path of divisive hatred permanently poisoning the future of the country OR if positive, new leaders can arise that take a different course and change the future of the nation.


The eclipse is opposite the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint about Steven Forrest writes:


Under Pluto and Jupiter, faith is embattled. Perhaps someone has gone down a road for the wrong reasons…Comforting but phony elements of your life must be released and new possibilities seized under less than auspicious circumstances.

 Doesn't that resonate with the Rhiphonos theme? 



[2] Nick Fiorenza

[3] Benjamin Adamah
