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Isles of regularity in three-body problem


Love Triangle - A 3 body problem

When three massive objects meet in space, they influence each other through gravity in ways that evolve unpredictably. In a word: Chaos. That is the conventional understanding. Now, a researcher from the University of Copenhagen has discovered that such encounters often avoid chaos and instead follow regular patterns, where one of the objects is quickly expelled from the system. "But our millions of simulations demonstrate that there are gaps in this chaos — 'isles of regularity' — which directly depend on how the three objects are positioned relative to each other when they meet, as well as their speed and angle of approach." Oct.11



Our brains are exquisitely tuned pattern-matching machines. When faced with an unfamiliar situation, we are wired to fit what we see to stored patterns–experiences or interactions we have had before. Analogy allows us to simplify complex problems, and find familiar patterns in the remaining parts, so as to apply past solutions, properly modified, to current issues. 

A 3-body problem in mathematics has its analogy in a marriage (2-bodies) and the entrance of a third person who could potentially create “chaos” for the two partners. Kuei Mei Hexagram 54 of the Chinese IChing deals with this very problem. This hexagram [1][2] called THE MARRYING MAIDEN shows a young girl under the guidance of an older man who marries her. Richard Wilhelm’s commentary [1] outlines the special conditions under which the arrangement can be successful. Compare that to how the chaotic situation survives in the 'isles of regularity' that the authors of the 3 body maths problem discovered.


Here is the chart for the Sun’s entry into Libra - Autumn Equinox drawn for Copenhagen where the research on the 3 body problem was carried out. Venus - TNP Apollon are on the MC forming a T-square with Pluto - TNP Vulcanus. 

The definitions provided for the TNPs by Martha Wescott 

APOLLON: Multiple interests and developments; many irons in the fire; more than one.

VULCANUS: feeling forced to associate; compulsion. 

A Venus-Pluto square is about “love triangles, power struggles, and emotional rollercoasters” [3]. With Apollon-Vulcanus in the mix do we detect a cosmic pressure to expand our concept of relationship from a 2 body to a 3 body problem perhaps? For the Greeks number 3 was considered as the perfect number, the number of harmony, wisdom and understanding. If two symbolizes a world of duality (black and white?) might three represent the wisdom beyond duality not easily understood. 

The Sabian symbol for Venus in the Libra ingress chart appears to confirm this. 


KEYNOTE: The fulfillment of man's power of understanding at whatever level of existence the person operates. 

A true philosopher is a man who is able to "understand," not merely "know," the processes of life as he comes to experience them directly. He is the man of wisdom, different indeed from the man of science. 

In her essay Fourth Density Relationships, Lyssa Royale [4] explains the differences between 3D and 4D relationships and how eventually evolutionary pressure will push 3D relationships to move into 4D relationships. 





