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Israel and the Solar Eclipse

From wrong to wrong the exasperated spirit

Proceeds, unless restored by that refining fire 

- T. S. Eliot's Little Gidding

This is it. Something has happened. And this ‘something’ was for many unexpected, for others much hoped for. Now we have to reckon with what will happen. 

Under the right moon 

There are choices that cannot be made without considering certain esoteric data, the influence of which can be decisive for the success of a strategic operation. Israel knows this well, applying the notions of the Jewish Kabbalah to all political and military choices. This time the timing was not lacking even in the response: on the eve of one of the most delicate lunar transits of the century – with the Moon entering Libra with an eclipse attached with Mars opposed to Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, which will perfect the opposition at the end of the month, a conjunction harbinger of great clashes and which opens a two-year period of important battles – the Islamic Republic of Iran took the step of responding to the Zionist fury.



To amplify on the astrology briefly referred to above, here is the chart for the October solar eclipse drawn for Tel-Aviv, Israel. The house position of the eclipse and the aspects it makes in the mundane chart are important starting points in any analysis. Here the eclipse is placed in the 5th house in square aspect to Hades-Mars-Kronos in the 2nd

The Fifth house is about risk taking, any kind of gambling or speculation. 

2nd to 5th square: Money/ resources and self worth (2nd) are in tension with risk taking (5th) . Should one risk all for establishment of self-worth. Think of a gambler putting all his money on the table to prove himself. 

The elements squaring the eclipse from the 2nd are Hades - Mars - Kronos 


Haste makes waste --going off "half cocked" or acting on impulse often won't be productive. Some work or activities will turn out poorly; some efforts will be in vain. Kronos is a TNP that stands for leaders and with Hades we see examples of "stupidity" in executives or leadership whose actions lead to serious mistakes. 

In addition the eclipse influences a radix chart through its midpoints. 

Israel’s Sun [23ta] = Mars/Nep = Kronos/Nep (in SE chart) 

Mars-Neptune: Military actions turn out to be ineffective. 

Kronos - Neptune: Delusional or unrealistic leadership 

(Uranus will be transiting over Israel’s radix Sun till about April 2025. With Uranus’ tendency to bring to the surface all that was hidden often in an explosive way, we are likely to see the above statements brought to our attention).

And as always planetary combinations on the horizon and meridian add details which must not be ignored. Here we have a Jupiter-Saturn square straddling the horizon. 

Jupiter on the Ascendant is conjunct the star Bellatrix of Orion - the Warrior. About this area, Diana Rosenberg writes: 

Non conformists who make their own rules, “shake a fist at heaven” and deny that codes of behaviour, civil or moral have any claim on them. Some are sucked into a black vortex of “I am God” egomania, reveling in the use of cruel force, control and power. Issues of exploitation (the “prey” of hunter Orion) and a preoocupation with victimization and death. 

Saturn is conjunct the star Achernar of Eridanus - where the celestial river meets the ocean. Symbolically this is about giving up one’s individuality and dssolving one’s separate identity that may have been the cause of problems with others. But under a negative response selfishness and frustration may twist and pervert souls making them fanatic, cold, intolerant and murderous.

Just as the fish in the Pisces constellation swim in opposite directions, Saturn in Pisces is ambivalent. Saturn asks us to enlarge and encompass more, but we can feel frightened when our boundaries lose solidity. We can feel destabilized by a lack of control and overwhelmed by chaos. This is how the negative expression is born. 

Most often under Jupiter-Saturn hard aspects, people see the results of a loss of perspective (and, in some people, that loss of perspective means that they inflated themselves or their possibilities, they--in a sense, "got carried away with it," refused to see some things--and now have to "pull in their horns" and deal with harsh realities and the test of having to "put their money where their mouth was!") 



Further reading 

[1] Israel’s Illusion of Normality Collapses

[2] The Zionist dream has become a nightmare

[3] Netanyahu Let Hamas’ Oct 7 Attack Happen?



