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Leftist Media Warns Trump May Use Lawfare Against Democrats


Are Democrats suddenly realizing that after years of encouraging race riots, encouraging leftist mobs to target conservative politicians and Supreme Court judges, subverting individual liberties in the name of public health, colluding with Big Tech companies to censor millions of Americans in violation of their 1st Amendment rights, using the legal apparatus as a weapon against their primary political adversary and promoting the idea of assassination which led to two separate attempts on Donald Trump's life, they might be due for some payback? 

Perhaps the great fear that leftists seem to harbor over the return of Donald Trump is not due to his supposed "racism" or "fascism." Maybe they are afraid of Trump because they fear Karma.




Like individuals political parties have a horoscope from which very significant information can be gleaned. The noon horoscope of the Democratic Party as provided by Astro-databank [1] is reproduced here. 

The current major progressions in this chart are:


(a) Pluto [17li28] square Sun [17cp28]


Pluto, as Lord of the underworld, always brings shadow material to the surface. As it squares the Sun in Capricorn **, the darker dimensions of that sign loom large in the Democratic Party’s experience. This invokes the image of a controlling tyrant suppressing truth and murdering enemies, real or perceived. Ultimately, it is not even really about a political ideology. Ultimately it is about fear: the fear of losing control or power, the fear of change, the fear of anything or anyone perceived as alien, and fear of the unknowable future. 


(b) Sun [0le27] triggering radix Uranus[27cp38] square S.Node [1ta46]; conjunct osc. apogee [2le48].


Uranus sq. S.Node


In the past you were struck by shock, you were crippled.. maybe a revolution occurred. You were vexed or overcome by someone operating outside the bounds of the social contract. The result was a state of hypervigilance that often entails projecting onto situations an anxious sense of instability or the fear that everything will spin out of control, a discomfort with people who are perceived as chaos bringers or trouble makers.[2]


South Node in Taurus/ North Node in Scorpio


The Taurus south node signature is motivated by the desire to keep everything stable and predictable - and therein lies the pitfall - the avoidance of natural developmental conflicts symbolized by the Scorpio north node. This may involve accepting one’s own need for power and control - all the dirty games people play. The evolutionary process then is about learning to withdraw projections, which means to recognize in one’s self the qualities one is inclined to judge in others [2].


The progressed Sun is moving to a conjunction to the osculating apogee of the Moon (also known as Dark Moon Lilith). The Dark Moon indicates some form of frustration of desires , a powerlessness of the psyche giving us the opportunity to "let go" of something [3]. (Incidentally the upcoming Pluto station on Oct. 11 will be a major trigger to this direction in the Democratic Party's chart) 

So is Donald Trump with his Sun conjunct Uranus [4], the “chaos bringer” the Democratic Party fears?



[2] Yesterday’s Sky; Steven Forrest p.216






** Note: Sabian symbol for the Democratic Party’s radix Sun is:



Power is required to maintain social order and relatively peaceful interpersonal as well as international relationships. Alas, this power can easily be misused under the pretext of preserving "law and order." Justice and compassion must balance social power, and especially the power of privileged groups. Where this symbol appears, the need for protection may be in evidence — or it may be a warning against using power for selfish advantage. 

Dane Rudhyar:


