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New Zealand government dissolves at Pluto station


Pluto - Roman God of the Underworld

A woman named Janine is single handily dissolving the New Zealand Government. Through a series of Notice of Liability, Affidavits and Liens to key players of the various corporations that make up the government, she is at the point where she can take over assets. In various initiatives she has already begun to tell the departments what they are to do. Sep. 24


As of 8th October 2024 one woman, Janine of the House of Arabella has completed a lawful process by which she is now the Commander of the Crown Corporations that constitute the New Zealand government. In a Proclamation released on Rumble the new Commander of New Zealand spelled out the implications of this transfer of power. The proclamation can also be read here Oct 11


I was pleasantly surprised to find that the upcoming Pluto station direct has caught the attention of the New York Post! 

Pluto, our power planet of seismic change, is stationing direct in the sign of the sea goat for the final time in our lifetimes. On Friday, Oct. 11, Pluto will go direct at a fateful 29 degrees of Capricorn, effectively ending its retrograde and embarking on the last gasp of its transit through the sign of strategy and legacy. 

Retrogrades are a bit like hibernation for the planets, but now that this death daddy is awake and alive with power, he’s making it his mission to dredge up the dark, expose the underbelly and summon the guilty. 

At 29 degrees of Capricorn, Pluto will be at the final or anaretic degree of the sign, the point of the ultimate expression of its energy. The vibe is now or never, fated and anxious to act. At this degree, Pluto can’t help but push the button, scream the truth, force a deathbed confession and strike the match that lights the powder keg.


This is an extract but I would urge readers to read the whole article. In this post we will look at a excellent example of how the station is already beginning to affect world events. Take a look at New Zealand’s horoscope. Pluto is stationing conjunct the radix Sun-Mars on the 4th cusp. 

About the 4th house, Deborah Houlding writes: 

As the opposite house to the 10th, those who oppose the government, king, or recognised order.

 In the radix Sun-Mars are square Pluto so that we are beginning to see the end result of a long power struggle with the government. Plutonian eruptions emerge usually after a long period of invisible build-up, such as occurs within the magma chamber of an active volcano. Symbolically, Plutonian “transformations” are provoked by confrontations with irresistible power — either psychological disruption, like earthquakes from the personal unconscious, or literally circumstantial challenges, when force majeure in the collective is arrayed against an individual life.
