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The matrix is collapsing as pedophile blackmail becomes mainstream


The Abduction of Ganymede, by Eustache Le Sueur

Sometimes hundreds and even thousands of years of history unfold in a matter of weeks. Think of the sacking of Rome or the first unification of China. We are in such a moment now. The entire Western control matrix is collapsing and we are headed for some sort of climax. The biggest sign of this in the past week has been the awakening of the majority of the Western population to elite pedophile blackmail and weather warfare. The people in the truth movement have known about this for a long time. However, we have been in a bubble and preaching to the choir for most of this time. The vast majority of the people remained clueless. What is different now is people who don’t pay attention to the news and only read gossip columns are becoming aware en masse. More importantly, the military and intelligence community are now finally taking action as a result.



We are at a momentous time in history as Pluto stations direct for the last time in Capricorn. In astrology, an essential quality of Capricorn is that of preservation, as well as endurance within the midst of laws that cause extreme hardship or austerity. Capricorn symbolizes systems and structures which seek to preserve their dominance at any cost. 

But the underground stream that runs beneath the surface of those structures – that is a mystery. We only recognise its existence when it bursts into external life, and one of the ways in which it shows itself is when an entire country goes through gigantic upheavals as disclosures of the crimes of the ruling elite is brought to light . Pluto is that hidden underground stream. And finally, Pluto is about a return to integrity as it stations conjunct the US Sibly Puto. 

Pluto is placed amid stars of Aquila, the Eagle. The eagle is  a predatory bird. In Greek and Roman mythology, the eagle was the bird of Zeus According to one story, Aquila is the eagle that kidnapped the beautiful Trojan boy Ganymede to serve the gods on Olympus. It is for this reason that astrologers link this area with “kidnapping, abduction and sexual slavery”. Jeffrey Epstein [1] was born January 20, 1953 with his radix Sun [0aq] conjunct the US Sibly and the stars of Aquila. This suggests that he or his diary records may be a primary source for the upcoming disclosures.


 Here is the chart for the upcoming Full Moon of Oct. 17 at Washington DC placed very significantly on the horizon and forming a T-square the Pluto that has just turned direct on Oct. 12 suggesting a fortnight of major upheavals!




