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Putin Crushes Scholz In Tense Call



Putin Crushes Scholz Tense Call, No Concessions


The Full Moon of Nov 15-16 aligns with the meridian at Moscow implying that it is especially significant for the place. It is no coincidence that the Full Moon occurs just as Pluto prepares to leave Capricorn for good on Nov. 20.The exposure of systemic toxicity, degradation and deceit was one thing Pluto in Capricorn exposed. With the Full Moon conjunct Uranus and trine Pluto, we are close to crossing a threshold into a radically different astrological atmosphere that will have the quality of a new era of peace and co-operation after the period of the Uranus-Pluto square. 

Using a 10 deg. orb, Richard Tarnas states that the Uranus-Pluto square was active from 2007-2020 and with a 1 deg alignment between 2012-2015. The square alignment indicated a breakdown in our largest institutions (Capricorn) following an overplaying of their power in ways that were clearly self-serving rather than for the greater good (Pluto). The Maidan coup  and the war in Ukraine was one such self-serving action by NATO. The upcoming trine between Uranus-Pluto is the period when we can expect the square aspect to begin to bear fruit. What do I mean by “bearing fruit?” The hoped-for changes would be a civilization that is more balanced, healthy, and sane, where we humans regard ourselves as part of the Family of Life on this planet. 

The Full Moon in Taurus united with Uranus will bring matters to a head and release pent up tensions with propulsive force. The Full Moon and Uranus will be conjunct the dreaded star Algol that has a long tradition of fear and terror and is correlated with horrific events in human history, one of the key meanings of Algol is the impossibility of remaining aloof from the oppression and violent power dynamics of the world. This rise in human consciousness hopefully will bring about the desired change. 

The Sabian symbol of the Full Moon appears to suggest that this is indeed possible: 

Taurus 25 (24°- 25°): A large well-kept public park


​Belonging to a tribe or community involves us in working together toward shared goals that we all enjoy. A community in harmony will act together to create communal works that allow individuals to enjoy greater levels of abundance and comfort. It is a strong motivation to seek ways to live in peace and put aside fear, competition and aggressiveness.


