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History in the stars: Crucifixion of Jesus





The crucifixion of Jesus was the death of Jesus by being nailed to a cross. It occurred in 1st-century Judaea.. It is described in the four canonical gospels, referred to in the New Testament epistles, and later attested to by other ancient sources. In her book, Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana Rosenberg (see extract above) gives the date of the cruxificion as April 3, 33 CE - the very day of a lunar eclipse. According to the Gospel of Mark, Jesus was crucified at the 3rd hour (9 a.m.), and died by the 9th hour of the day (at around 3:00 p.m.).



A study of the chart of the April 3, 33CE lunar eclipse offers several clues about Jesus and the his crucifixion. The eclipse Sun and Moon were conjunct the TNP midpoint Zeus/Poseidon which symbolizes a “fiery preacher”. 

The eclipse Moon [11li36] was conjunct the stars Gacrux [9li28] gamma Crucis, top of the Cross; Nusakan [11li43]. Diana Rosenberg links these stars to “events related to religion” as well as "ëxecutions” and writes: 

Dissatisfied with the status quo, they may create or be drawn to unusual religions...or strive to regenerate existing ones...Assertive, enterprising, aggressive and pioneering..willing to fight and take risks. Unwilling to passively accept current dogma in any field, they will insist on studying , testing and experiencing everything for themselves, becoming authorities in their turn. Religion - especially Christianity - may play an important part in their lives...Idealistic, their religion, philosophy or beliefs form the core of their being; and with a strong need to be different and go their own way, they may stand up for their ideas that are considered unusual, outrageous or even “heresy” in their chosen fields.


Rising on the Ascendant were the star Archturus and Spica. 

Archturus, alpha Bootes is often shown as a herdsman protecting his flock. Symbolically this refers to the need for commitment to the fundamental nourishment required to support all life on Earth for its evolutionary fulfillment as explained by Nick Fiorenza in the extract below: 

Archturus is the administrative seat responsible for the safe ascension of Earth and Humanity--the pure birth of the soul. Boötes / Archturus stands against the fallen corrupt powers of Benatnasch who have demonstrated the inability over and again to ensure such evolutionary fulfillment, with the continual destruction of the peoples of the Earth, and typical catastrophic outcomes. The body of Boötes stands between this pure lucida of the Virgin, while blocking the manipulations of corrupt Benatnasch and their diversionary tactics, embodied by the barking dogs (Canes Venatici).


Next we examine the chart for the crucifixion which reportedly took place at 9 am on the day of the eclipse. This chart is quite revealing for several reasons. First it has a prominent T-square straddling the horizon. It has Mars-Jupiter on the Ascendant opposite Pluto. Ebertin provides the following interpretations: 

Jupiter-Pluto: the desire to lead the masses, an appreciation of the need for social or religious regeneration, a brilliant gift for organisation, spiritual and intellectual leadership. (with Mars): the ability to inspire others with enthusiasm. 

And for the opposition, he adds: 

Conflicts with the authorities and the executors of governmental power. The misfortune to lose everything. 

Moreover, Jupiter [14ge] on the Ascendant is conjunct the star Sirius [17ge] 

Sirius, Alpha Canis Major, is the impetuous and blazing Great World Teacher, knowledge-holder of ancient hermetic wisdom. Significant alignments with Sirius can bring teachings, lessons, or events of a global or profound proportion, those that can catalyze tremendous evolutionary change. Nick Fiorenza 

In the extract (image above), Diana Rosenberg mentions Jesus’ birthdate as March 19, 7BCE. Strangely, a chart for this date also has the same “Mars-Jupiter-Pluto” combination as at time of his crucifixion. Moreover Jesus’ radix Jupiter is conjunct the star Deneb Kaitos, about which Nick fiorenza writes: 

Cetus articulates the fear-instilling techno-bureaucratic monster of collective human consciousness. Deneb Kaitos (Diphda) and Iota form the thrashing tail of Cetus. Deneb Kaitos, although the Beta star, is brighter than Menkar, Alpha Ceti, which mark the jaws of Cetus. Deneb Kaitos creates a strong emotional turbulence, bringing the potential to get knocked down and thrashed around due to the inability to lift one’s self above the dramatics of the intense psycho-emotional forces of the human world and its bureaucracies.
