This is going to be controversial to many, but I am going to tell it like I see it, so damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. The Biden administration, set up as it was by the Obama administration, has been a clear and present danger to the United States of America. In almost every way imaginable. It has tanked an economy that otherwise was on the way to (an almost inevitable) rapid, post-pandemic recovery, causing pain to countless American families.
The greatest truths about ourselves are learnt through interaction with others. It is easy to blame Joe Biden for the present difficult condition of the US. Carl Jung believed that psychological projection is a defense mechanism where people attribute their own traits, feelings, thoughts, or behaviors onto others. He thought that projection is a way to keep negative emotions at bay by placing them outside of ourselves.
Astrologers use synastry - the art of relationship astrology - to understand the dynamics between two entities. It is a fascinating and illuminating study of how individuals or groups interact with one another. No matter how hard we try we cannot get away from the issues that our relationship charts bring up. Each planet (and its progression) in one person’s chart interacts with the planets in the other person’s chart, creating a unique tapestry of energies..
Biden’s [1] radix Sun [27sc] is square Sibly Moon [27aq] and his current solar arc progressions hitting the US Sibly are listed below:
Biden’s Ascendant (s) conjunct Sibly Moon [27aq]
Biden’s Uranus (s) opposite Sibly Moon [27aq]
(Both triggered by Saturn transiting over the Sibly Moon in 2022-23)
The Minor Arcana Tarot card assigned to the 3rd decan of Aquarius - the position of the Sibly Moon is the Seven of Swords (see image)
In a general context, the Seven of Swords represents deception, lies, trickery, cheating and lack of conscience. This card also signifies mental manipulation, tactics, scheming, cunning, enemies who masquerade as friends. [1]
As an example consider the period 2003-2011 when the US military invaded Iraq under false pretenses (WMD?). During this period Uranus, Saturn and Neptune were in hard aspect to the Sibly Moon - the Seven of Swords.
At that time the US populace (the Moon) remained consciously unaware (or perhaps not bothered?) of the great deception being perpetrated in their name.
If we remain unconscious of some planet in our charts, when that planet is activated again we will draw into our environment someone who lives out the difficult attributes so that we learn the hard way (karmic?) that those qualities are inside us and that we should stop blaming someone else.
Biden’s term in office has done just that!
[1] Joe Biden; 20 Nov. 1942; 8:30 am; Scranton
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