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Speaker Johnson Shielded Dishonest J6 Committee 'Star Witness'


Over the last two years, the Republican-controlled House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight found numerous inconsistencies and outright lies in the testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson, who was the Democrat-controlled January 6th Commission’s “star witness” in the wake of Jan. 6, 2021.


An accurate event chart has the advantage that derived charts such as solar or lunar returns can be used to track future developments. The current lunar return chart for the well documented storming of the Capitol [6 Jan 2021; 14:15 EST; Washington DC] is very significant with a powerful Jupiter-Saturn-Mercury T-square aligned with the meridian. 

If we have have made false statements (Mercury) and/or have been hypocritical and over extended ourselves (Jupiter) we are going to face consequences (Saturn). 

As always the asteroids (listed below) in aspect to the T-square help to provide some specifics. 

Requiem [16ge] - Orcus [17vi] - Toro [17sa] - Artemis [18sa]


About Orcus, Philip Sedgwick writes: 

Orcus transits : accountability for one’s word will be the dominant stimulus. Others will challenge personal declarations, promises made and even doctrines to which one previously declared allegiance....Orcus warns against hypocrisy, false promises and utterances that one consciously (and perhaps subconsciously) knows cannot be upheld. 

For Toro/Artemis (Diana), Martha Wescott has: 

People feel "chased" by another's anger or trying to hide from a potentially angry scene. 

Requiem stands for a place of acceptance, a cessation of struggle. The question is whether one should be AT PEACE with the people, actions and events or is that a sell out of integrity! 

Finally the radix (and the return Moon) is conjunct the star Archturus about which Nick Fiorenza writes:

Archturus, alpha Bootes is often shown as a herdsman protecting his flock. It is the administrative seat responsible for the safe ascension of Earth and Humanity--the pure birth of the soul. Boötes / Archturus stands against the fallen corrupt powers of Benatnasch who have demonstrated the inability over and again to ensure such evolutionary fulfillment, with the continual destruction of the peoples of the Earth, and typical catastrophic outcomes. The body of Boötes stands between this pure lucida of the Virgin, while blocking the manipulations of corrupt Benatnasch and their diversionary tactics, embodied by the barking dogs (Canes Venatici).
