On Friday we featured a tongue-in-cheek headline, but which is sadly all too literal and true: Syrian Leader With $10M Bounty On His Head Meets With Delegation From Country That Put The $10M Bounty On His Head. US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Barbara Leaf led the delegation along with Daniel Rubenstein, who is expected to stay in Damascus as America's top diplomat there, as they met with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) leader Abu Mohammed al-Jolani in Damascus. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-scraps-10m-bounty-aq-linked-jolani-after-merely-one-visit-state-dept-officials
Synastry is the art of relationship astrology. It is a fascinating and illuminating study of how individuals or groups interact with one another. No matter how hard we try we cannot get away from the issues that our relationship charts bring up. Each planet (and its progression) in one person’s chart interacts with the planets in the other person’s chart, creating a unique tapestry of energies. In this post we look at how Syria’s progressed Sun [1ar] is not only opposite the Sibly MC [1li] but also makes hard aspect to Sibly Niobe[27ge] - Eos [28ge] - Bacchus [0ar] - Sisyphus [2li]
Bacchus represents the concept of “too much”; it is an excess, an indulgence; it is being intoxicated (literally or figuratively); it can be the straw that break’s the camel’s back after you have remained in denial and taken on more than you can handle. So combine that with Eos “misdirected actions” and you can see where the overindulgence was.
The asteroid Niobe stands for learning hard lessons in humility and detachment after a period of overinvestment in one’s children (creative products). Does that ring a bell? HTS is former ISIS created by the US for its political aims in the Middle East.
Sisyphus of mythology was sentenced to roll a boulder uphill forever and it iss “forever” that gives the myth its power…and punishment!
Guess we can now get a feel of the energies active now between Syria and the US.
HTS evolved out of an al Qaeda affiliate with ties to the founder of the Islamic State which the US now lists as a terror group…Niobe? Humbled by your own creations!
Martha Wescott interprets as below:
You may notice that because people are so immersed in something or someone, they don't realize (or want) the consequences of that narrow focus, think others should just march along behind (like good little ducklings) in their parade, are in denial about some other important (and maybe obvious) things, and think that hurt pride is a justification for almost anything they do! You may determine that some are "hooked" ON parent-child problems; that preoccupation is their way of obscuring their own contribution to current difficulties and dysfunctions. Look too for instances when the strength of an addiction is a route to learning humility--as though addictive behavior makes a person "less proud of themselves."
Finally we note that a chart for the Neptune station direct on Dec. 7 drawn for Washington DC has Neptune-Nodes aligned very significantly with the meridian. Read more about the Neptune station here Neptune station: The collapse of utopian dreams [2]. On Dec. 18, just before the arrival of the US team in Damascus, the combination was triggered by the transit Sun [27sa] squaring Neptune.
When Neptune opposes the South Node, the bottom falls out of any dream or utopian idealism as soon as reality hits. It indicates death and rebirth. In this case, it’s the death of Neptune’s old dream; and one has to come up with a whole new dream now.
[1] Syria; Jan. 1944; 0:00 EET; Damascus
[2] https://javed22.blogspot.com/2024/12/neptune-station-collapse-of-utopian.html
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