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Astrology of the US aircrash


A mid-air collision between an Army Black Hawk helicopter (about 9 pm) and a regional jet near Reagan International Airport in DC was caught on camera from the Kennedy Center Wednesday night, prompting a massive response from fire, EMS, and police.



Of the four cardinal ingresses of the Sun, many astrologers consider the Capricorn ingress (winter solstice) to be the most important. Presented here is the chart for the Capricorn ingress at Arlington, VA. Uranus [24ta] on the descendant is conjunct the malefic star Algol [26ta] well known for its connection to “mass deaths”. The MC[1vi] is trine the Sun[0cp] which is square the Nodes (with Neptune) - a phenomenon referred to as a “Moon Wobble” known to cause “plane crashes” [1]


So what happened on the night of Jan. 29 to bring about the tragedy? 

Well at least three things. First Uranus which was retrograde on the descendant of the ingress chart stationed to go direct on Jan. 30. The station is also conjunct the US Sibly lunar return MC. The third reason is better understood if we progress the ingress chart to the date of the tragedy. Here we find the progressed Ascendant reaches a conjunction to the Sun triggering its square to the Nodes (Moon Wobble) which we saw is connected to “plane crashes” [1].


Uranus is an erratic figure. He can be irresponsible as the pilot of the Army Black Hawk helicopter appears to be in video clips that show him flying straight into the airliner or was it planned with the helicopter used as a drone? With Neptune, the planet of secrecy and deception, involved something hidden cannot be ruled out.


Finally, a chart for 9pm - the reported time of the crash - has the nodal axis -Sun configuration aligned with the horizon! The Sun is also semisquare Neptune [27pi] - N.Node [28pi] conjunct the star Scheat [29pi]. 

Beta (β) Pegasus, Scheat, is deep yellow star on the leg of the Winged Horse. The mythical story of the fall of Bellerophon (see image) from the Winged Horse Pegasus is linked to this star. A modern version of the Winged Horse is an aircraft so that this star has an association with air accidents. 




