At least 16 people have been killed and 10 injured as a landslide struck Indonesia's Central Java province, government authorities said. The landslide in the city of Pekalongan was triggered by heavy rains, a spokesperson for the country's disaster mitigation agency said on Tuesday. Authorities are searching for another three missing people as they warned that the rain was expected to continue for several days.
In a previous post Full Moon energy demands authenticity[1], we saw that the astrocartography map for the Mars-Pluto Full Moon of Jan 14 had lines passing through Indonesia. A chart for the Full Moon at Pekalongan confirms that the Full Moon is indeed on the horizon signifying a major impact at that place. With Pluto involved earthquakes or landslides are easy to understand.
The Full Moon itself [23cn] is conjunct Mars [27cn] - both in the water sign Cancer suggesting that heavy rains and floods could be the cause of the landslide [2]. On January 21, the date of the news, transiting Sun [1aq] meets up with Pluto [1aq] providing the immediate trigger.
The landslide can be looked upon as a metaphor for what is also demanded at an inner level [1].
We might not be consciously aware of what is stirring deep within the psyche, but feelings, moods, events and circumstances that surface around the time of the transiting Sun-Mars opposition identify a specific area which needs to come to conscious awareness. Psychologically, it is necessary to expel the festering energy in order to become a more productive person.
When the Sun-Mars opposition breaks the cycle midway, a noticeable turning-point results and the ensuing period is a time of reconsidering any new directions which have emerged in the first half. Should there have been no overt directional indicators in that time, the impact of the opposition can explode the status quo and a total re-evaluation of the course of action necessary to reclaim personal power may be required.
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