In a very unexpected development Denmark is now working directly with Russia's Gazprom to do environmental mitigation on the damaged Nord Stream pipelines, in the wake of the multiple underwater blasts that took them offline on September 26, 2022 - leading to years of accusations against Moscow and a Russia-West tit-for-tat...All of this is happening as Washington still has far-reaching sanctions on Russia as well as the NS2 Russian operator, Gazprom's Nord Stream 2 AG...This has raised the crucial question of whether the Russian entity's supposed environmental mitigation efforts are but cover to eventually revive the controversial project.
As with several examples presented at this site, here too we shall see that a well timed horoscope and its derivates can clearly indicate future possibilities. The first explosion on the NS2 ( took place on 26 September 2022 at 2:03 a.m (Denmark time). A chart for the event at the co-ordinates of the explosion [1][2] is shown here.
The Sun and Moon are opposite Jupiter in Aries that is associated with fiery enthusiasm and reckless risk taking which is what the conspirators who planted the underwater explosives were doing. The chart has a prominent Saturn-Uranus square straddling the horizon. Uranus, the terrorist loves to bring down structures that Saturn builds.
The other prominent configuration is a T-square of Eris-Pluto-Zeus-Tisiphone straddling the meridian. Tisiphone is an asteroid named after one of the Furies that is about seeking revenge. The dwarf planet Eris is about actions that produce discord or quarrels and Martha Wescott interprets Pluto/Zeus as below:
Watch for how "threats to control" can instill reactions of alarm--as though being "not in control" would result in an absolute conflagration. (Recall that the US anticipated loss of control over its European vassals if they became depemdent on cheap Russian gas). You may also come to understand that people who are filled with unhealthy needs and unresolved emotions can easily be triggered (and set off like a damned rocket)--they're overly sensitized to "who's in charge" and what will happen if someone else mounts the throne and gets to dictate how things go--so they're like a huge boulder perched precariously on the edge of a doesn't take much to upset that balance and push them over the edge.
Finally here is the lunar return chart for the NS2 explosion. A Sun-Pluto conjunction is on the MC. Robert Hand interprets Sun/Pluto transits as below:
Sun Conjunct Pluto
This transit can have a variety of effects, but in general it indicates intense experiences that do not allow you to stay at the level of surface manifestations. Pluto relates to the forces underlying all experience and leading to fundamental evolutionary changes from within. The inevitable power of these changes produces the major occurrences in the world - growth, evolution, decay and death, as well as rebirth and regeneration. At the practical level, you may be concerned today with repairing something that has broken down, such as an automobile or an appliance.
How about trying to repair a pipeline that was destroyed?
The other significant combination in the lunar return is a Venus-Saturn amid stars of the Phoenix square Jupiter on the Ascendant [3].
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