Israel's security cabinet has issued its formal approval, but now the deal moves to the full cabinet for final discussion and vote, expected to be held before the Jewish Shabbat begins. The cabinet further recommends that "the government approve the proposed outline."
Understanding what drives world events is incomplete without a knowledge of planetary cycles and star myths within which they are embedded. In this post we shall see that the ceasefire deal can be better understood from the myth linked to the stars that form the background to transit Uranus which is about to station at [23ta] conjunct Israel’s radix Sun. A chart for the station as well as Israel’s lunar return has Uranus opp. Poseidon aligned with the meridian.
And this idea of change relative to one's thinking, beliefs, faith or principles is HUGE; it is a time for a true CHANGE OF MIND (and you may be surprised at how rapidly that can occur!) There will be times when magnetic fields are so charged, that very unusual effects and perceptions are possible. MLW
The later degrees of tropical Taurus overlay stars of the original sky-Bull..Some may be beset by rage and even insanity..may perpetrate violence with a few becoming cruel, sadistic and murderous. The more extreme amongst them feel that they have a right to utterly destroy any individuals, groups or causes they perceive as enemies or as evil. There are choices to be made between ethics and corruption, self-discipline or self-gratification and between controlling events and preserving the status-quo, versus actively working for peaceful revolution and reform. Diana Rosenberg
Often there is more than one planetary cycle at work which colours an event. Readers will recall that we have just crossed the midpoint of the Sun-Mars cycle.
When the Sun-Mars opposition breaks the cycle midway, a noticeable turning-point results and the ensuing period is a time of reconsidering any new directions which have emerged in the first half. The impact of the opposition can explode the status quo and a total re-evaluation of the course of action necessary to reclaim personal power may be required...Psychologically, it is necessary to expel the festering energy in order to become a more productive person. The conflagration is especially spectacular if the Sun-Mars opposition is aspecting a natal planet or within orb of the angles....
A chart for the Full Moon of Jan 14 has it aligned with the Mars-Pluto opposition on the meridian at Tel-Aviv bringing the midcycle Sun-Mars opposition energy into a major turning-point in the ongoing war - the acceptance of a ceasefire.
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