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Jupiter station offers release from restrictive beliefs



The alignment of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius in December 2020 represented a call for a balance between opposing forces, like freedom and restriction. It also signalled a need for significant changes in personal lives and societal structures.  

Four years later in 2024-25, under the pressure of the waxing square between the two giant planets,  the seed ideas are beginning to take shape. Jupiter, the planet of optimism and faith in a bright future is stationing to go direct on Feb 4 at [11ge16]. The Sabian symbol for this position as delineated by Dane Rudhyar is:



KEYNOTE: Liberation from the ghosts of the past. 

Every new beginning is surrounded with ghosts (or personal and social karma). Whoever seeks to be truly an individual must be liberated from the past. 

As an example on a national level, we note that Jupiter station is exactly opposite the Ascendant of US Sibly which rules “the common people or general condition of prosperity of the inhabitants”. We can relate this to Trump’s Executive Orders removing all restrictions and unlawful orders of the Biden regime that were strangling the freedom of the common man. 

Aiding Jupiter in bringing a new order is Saturn in Pisces. In the last sign of the zodiac Saturn dissolves and undermines restrictive systems with potential for a healing release of outworn structures, be they social or personal belief systems, that have kept us imprisoned. 

These structures may not disappear overnight, but at least we will begin to understand the need for changes in the system. 




As another example here is the chart for the Jupiter station at Kiev, Ukraine. Notice its significant placement on the Ascendant square Saturn. Are we looking at freedom for the Ukranians after three years of forced conscription into an army that was brain washed to believe it was saving Ukraine?
