To relate better to planetary transits discussed at this blogsite, I recommend readers keep handy a copy of their charts which is easily available at Astodienst [1]. For example Uranus is about to station direct. How do I know whether it is affecting my chart? Uranus went retrograde at [27ta] on 1 Sept 24 and will now go direct at [23ta] on 31 Jan 25. If I have chart elements (planets or Asc/MC) between 23 - 27 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius I am going to feel this transit very strongly. (e.g. Donald Trump’s MC is [24Taurus]..Israel’s radix Sun is [23Taurus])
Uranus is known as "The Great Awakener," because he provides us with situations that help shake us into awareness and realize the truths and the lies that we’re living. Though the fixed earth sign Taurus resists change, Uranus doesn’t like us to get too comfortable, because that’s when we become complacent. It’s a planet that forces us out of our comfort zones and encourages us to change for the better. While Uranus moves through grounded Taurus, it can rock our foundations in the areas Taurus rules: our finances, material possessions, and even our self-esteem.
Things get more personal when Uranus is retrograde in Taurus, which happens about five months out of every year. This is a time when we aren’t as concerned with money as we are with value -- the things we value personally and, especially, our own self-worth. When Uranus is retrograde, the shocks and surprises he normally brings from the outside instead come from the inside. We are faced with personal revelations that lead to personal revolutions.
Uranus Retrograde in Taurus will present us with opportunities to realize our own value and what we have to offer the world. While we may often feel that we aren’t worth enough or don’t provide enough, Uranus’ retrograde in Taurus wants you to break free from this negative thinking and realize you’re worth more than you think.[2]
Since Trump’s MC is [24ta] - the area that rules his professional life - we can see the massive financial changes he is beginning to bring about in the US. How about Israel which has its Sun [23ta] in the 8th house conjunct Trump’s MC. The 8th house is money borrowed from others. So Israel may suddenly find itself under pressure as money from the US may dry up if it doesn’t change its policies. Remember Taurus is also land ... so perhaps there may be some arm twisting to make Israel radically change its policies on land acquistion in Gaza?
For readers who find inspiration from Sabian symbols, here are Sabians for Uranus’ direct and retrograde stations.
Taurus 24 (23°- 24°)
A mounted Indian with scalp locks
During early stages of development it remains crucial to establish identity, of self and tribe, by fighting for it if needed.
Taurus 28 (27°- 28°)
A woman pursued by mature romance
Limits of the physical body need not stop us from
staying alive to new possibilities and opportunities
"Maturity in relationships"
The sense of a time-based linear degrading of capacity is refuted. We do not need to 'grow old and die off' but instead always have the capacity to find a new beginning. For example, we can fall in love even when this is driven mostly by the heart's joy in sharing rather than sexuality and procreation.
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