The New Moon of 29 Jan is the first New Moon in Aquarius. If Saturn is the wall builder, its sign Capricorn designates the kingdom within the wall; his sign Aquarius the cold outer space beyond it Here ex-communicated, unique, untethered we are free to look back upon the civilization we left behind and imagine what a better world might look like. One world offers comfort; one offers hope. Forsaking the familiar and striking out for new lands demands risk taking.
One method astrologers employ to understand the message a New or Full Moon might be trying to convey is to look at stars and other deep space objects it conjoins. Today’s New Moon [10aq] is conjunct a Super Nova SN 1987A [8aq] about which Philip Sedgwick writes:
SN 1987A falls under the category of Type II Super Novae. Type II's source star or progenitor tend to be massive stars, ten to twenty times the mass of our own Sun. The progenitor's core contracts with age as it uses up its fuel, increasing its temperature fusing nuclei into precatastrophic proportions. The star frantically seeks to generate more heat to avert the impending collapse only to devour its remaining fuel more rapidly. This process heats the outer core of the star expanding it, but then cooling as they reach out into space. When effort at growth fails, the collapse upon itself occurs in a fraction of a second! The collapse halts only when a neutron star forms. A rebounding shock wave from this creation scatters the newly formed entity into space glowing with awesome brilliance -- the Super Nova (Nova means new in Latin).
First and foremost, metaphorical interpretations to emerge from SN 1987A symbolize the necessary evolution of ego/psychology to soul/spirit. The pre-explosion mass loss symbolically represents the shedding of unnecessary defenses, attachments or "baggage." This shedding propagates an acceleration and a passionate heating up for the pursuit of one's purpose. Get rid of the heaviness so you can do the energetic aerobics of awareness. Frittering away one's energy on meaningless activity no longer becomes the individual. Now it's showtime! Suddenly, virtually instantly, in all one's splendor, everything about the core of one's being burst forth, displayed with peacock-like pride as soon as life’s unnecessary matter gets shed.
To better understand what kind of defences the SN 1987A New Moon is asking us to shed we notice that it is placed opposite the stars of the Hydra and Gianfar of Draco[10le] and the asteroid Valentine [11le]. Valentine like the asteroid Eros refers to matters of the heart.
Conjoining Hydra's head is northern Gianfar. Gianfar, the poisoned place, is of neurological currents, specifically those emanating from "poisons of the heart" that can keep us trapped battering of our courage, optimism, and strength—destroying us through sheer exhaustion. Sidereal Cancer imparts a nurturing, protective and cultivating quality, ultimately to support this emergence from the tentacles of the poison Hydra.
Often we withdraw from life because past experiences have made us bitter. A little voice in our head tells us what to do, how to be, and how we should feel about things. This voice can be a powerful influence on our lives, but it's not always good. The problem with this voice is that it's often based on our fears and insecurities. We listen to it because we're afraid of making mistakes or looking foolish. We follow its advice because we want to feel safe and secure. But, in doing so, we often end up missing out on opportunities and relationships that could make our lives happier and more fulfilling.
The New Moon conjunct the supernova SN 1987and opposite Gianfar - bitter poisoned heart - is telling us to drop these defences and to listen to our heart instead of our head. When we do this, we'll find ourselves making better decisions and reaching for opportunities that might otherwise have seemed too risky or uncertain.
While the New Moon’s influence is worldwide in scope, the lines on the astrocartography map indicate places where the New Moon will be on the horizon or meridian. People born or residing in these areas will be most affected.
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