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Saturn in Pisces: Turning Chaos To Order



Nayib Armando Bukele Ortez ( born 24 July 1981) is a Salvadoran politician and businessman who, since 1 June 2019, has been the 81st president of El Salvador.

Bukele implemented the Territorial Control Plan in July 2019 to reduce El Salvador's 2019 homicide rate of 38 per 100,000 people. Homicides fell by 50 percent during Bukele's first year in office, which he attributed to the plan. Digital news outlet El Faro and the United States Department of State accused Bukele's government of secretly negotiating with gangs to reduce the homicide rate. After 87 people were killed by gangs over one weekend in March 2022, Bukele initiated a nationwide crackdown on gangs. This resulted in the arrests of over 83,600 people with alleged gang affiliations by December 2024, including over 12,000 incarcerated at the newly constructed Terrorism Confinement Center. The country's homicide rate decreased to 1.9 homicides per 100,000 in 2024, one of the lowest in the Americas.





This great news is reported in the Associated Press [1] at the Capricorn New Moon a chart for which is shown here drawn for San Salvador has Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, (law and order) on the MC in Pisces. 

Pisces in its typical manifestation symbolizes disorder and disintegration. We can feel destabilized by a lack of control and overwhelmed by chaos. At its most extreme, Pisces gives rise to a sort of madness and unleashes disturbances that temporarily seize the collective. About Pisces, Dane Rudhyar writes: 

Pisces is an era of storms and of wholesale disintegration. But Piscean winds of destiny may impel men of vision and courage to discover many a "new world," as much as they do destroy or suffocate the many who stubbornly resist change. 

The Jupiter-Saturn square can bring success to those who have met the challenge of chaos in the right spirit. It cannot be a coincidence that the square straddles Bukele’s Asc triggering his solar progression. (see chart [2]) 

Progressed (directed) Sun [13vi] conjunct asteroid Siva [13vi]; square Ascendant [13ge]. 

About Sun to Ascendant, Solar Fire has: 

Directed Sun Square Radix Ascendant

It is time for change. If you have been working towards making changes in selected areas of your life then now the opportunities will arise. The time has come for action. "Talk comes cheap" as the saying goes. During this phase you are likely to experience a renewed sense of purpose. Projects that have been brewing for some time may now come to fruition. You may have been reflecting on various areas of your life with a view to making changes. The time is now ripe for those changes. You can purposefully move forward with renewed resolve. 

The asteroid Siva tells us how this is to be done: 

Siva represents disintegration and liberation of matter into new form. It seeks to overcome the stagnation by breaking down or through limitations and resistance to bring the victory of life - and renewal - through and/or over death. MLW 

In addition, we can see that the current Mars [1le] retrograde opposite Pluto[1aq] aligns with his radix Sun [1le]. About Mars-Pluto, Adam Elenbaas writes: 

I also think about a Mars-Pluto opposition as providing the opportunity for greater motivation and the intensity, perseverance, courage, and determination to break through in an area where we've been stuck. There’s an eruptive force of willpower, strength, confidence, and courage that can help us break through a place we’ve felt blocked, and that’s a great piece of a Mars-Pluto opposition. 

The Sabian symbol of transit Saturn tells us the reason for Bukele’s success. 

Pisces 15 (14°- 15°)


Neither recklessness nor fearfulness, nor even overcautious modesty, is appropriate when power is at play. Disciplined preparation is required when we expect to encounter some significant danger, a danger that has so far been perpetually and forever avoided. Careful arrangements, planning and equipping ourselves as best we can promises success.




PS: The economic turnaround in Argentina is another example of "chaos to order"
