Under the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol, Donald Trump was again inaugurated, this time as the 47th president of the United States, capping a historic return to power that serves as a resounding rebuke to the established political order. Said the returning president after taking the oath of office, “The golden age of America begins right now.”
Synastry is the art of relationship astrology. It is a fascinating and illuminating study of how individuals or groups interact with one another. No matter how hard we try we cannot get away from the issues that our relationship charts bring up. Each planet (and its progression) in one entity’s chart interacts with the planets in the other entity’s chart, creating a unique tapestry of energies.
In this post we examine the synastry between Trump’s progressions and the US Sibly since that should reveal some of his priorities in his second term.
Trump’s Sun (p) [9vi] --> Sibly (radix) Hidalgo [7sa] - Ceres [8pi] - Uranus [9ge]
Uranus in the 7th of the Sibly.
Treaties and agreements with other nations...If afflicted.. breaking of treaties, commercial and trade disputes with foreign countries and general disagreement in international affairs.
Interpreting the asteroids linked to Uranus in the Sibly gives us a clearer picture.
You can expect "tensions to mount" because there are things that aren't being said--that people are keeping to themselves. There may well be times when a certain amount of restraint feels necessary (in order to prevent blow-ups or unwelcome changes and reactions,) but folks can "keep quiet" about decisions, internal changes and determinations to break rules and roles.
(Note: Ceres in the mix perhaps the changes are with respect of taking care of allies)
Too, without fully discussing things, a person can set off on a new course or emotionally detach. So you could see a "silent indifference" or be aware that, even though nothing was said, something's different.
Trump’s solar arc Pluto [25li] to Sibly Cupido [24cp] - Merc [24cn] - Pluto [27cp] - Eurydike [23cn] - Hebe [25ar]
With Trump’s directed Pluto square Sibly Cupido [24cp], we can certainly expect to see major upheavals and confrontational incidents revolve around closeness with “allies” or membership in organizations. A clearer picture will emerge after transit Mars (currently 24cn] completes it retrograde cycle and triggers these positions in direct motion in early to mid April.
Are people counting or leaning on" you? Do you have to stretch your tolerance and "serve" the interests of others? I think you'll see circumstances where you put up with more than you should....and the reason for that is "dependency." (e.g. Trump’s solarc Pluto [25li] is conjunct Israel’s radix Ascendant [23li])
The destructive elements in a relationship can be incredibly important on a Life-Learning or Soul level. It may take events of some magnitude for people to see how and why they let others "lead" what happens in their life....
Another "interesting" dynamic that will play a role in events will be the way that people get other people to serve their interests, to support the unsupportable, to accept the unacceptable. Recognize psychological pressures and emotional games that create co-dependent reactions or that are, at the very least, designed to gain support and give a person "extra leeway." (e.g. In Israel’s relationship with the US …with its Ascendant [23li] opp Sibly Hebe [25ar])
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