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Democrats Introduce Legislation To Fine Men For Ejaculating


Two Democratic State Representatives in Ohio have introduced legislation that would see men fined for ejaculating if they don’t intend on having a baby. Yes, this is real. It sounds insane because it is. Democratic State reps Anita Somani and Tristan Rade brought forward the bill which they’ve named the ‘Conception Begins at Erection Act’.



An eclipse becomes active at least three months prior to its actual occurrence. While its effect is worldwide in scope its message is most strongly felt in places where it straddles the horizon or meridian. From the eclipse chart at Columbus, Ohio we can see that the upcoming total lunar eclipse straddles the horizon suggesting that its sublte messages may be seen in events at that place. 

The eclipse Moon is in earth sign Virgo ,known for its concern with celibacy/ sexual abstinence as well as its obsession with efficiency and effectiveness. 

Using a 90-degree Uranian astrology sort we have: 

Sun/Moon = Hades/Admetus. 

Folks become "too tight and retentive" because they don't want to take a chance on making a mistake.  Hades also rules our instinctual (lower) nature so that is where the concern for mistakes lies. 

 In addition the Sun is contained by Saturn and Neptune. In other words it is placed between Saturn and Neptune. John Sandbach and Ronn Ballard in their book Planets in Containment delineate its requirement as below: 


Center your life around fulfilling ideals (Neptune) after establishing firm foundations (Saturn). A practical implementation of ideas (Saturn) imbues life with meaning (Neptune). Constriction because of all kinds of fears (Saturn) retards vitality.(Neptune) 

I read both the words “meaning” and “vitality” as a “connection with all life” which is what Neptune’s grand vision is. With Saturn in Pisces closely conjunct Neptune we can either put an end to restrictive systems or double down on them. [1]. 

The eclipse Moon in Virgo conjunct the South Node (patterns and beliefs to leave behind) faces the Sun in Pisces conjunct the North Node (patterns and beliefs to move towards). 

The Sun [23pi] - Saturn [22pi] - NN [27pi] - Neptune [29pi] are conjunct the stars Markab [23pi] and Scheat [29pi] 

Markab and Scheat are stars of the Pegasus Great Square. Pegasus is the Flying Horse. A horse symbolizes vitality because of its natural characteristics of strength, speed, endurance, and movement, representing the ability to overcome obstacles, progress rapidly, and persevere through challenges, essentially embodying a sense of lively energy and dynamism. Its vitality comes from its connection to the earth and the primordial, instinctual nature that the earth represents. In the story of Princess Andromeda, it is her lover Perseus riding  Pegasus  who frees her from her enslavement to the archaic rules laid down by her fearful parents, King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia. 

Perseus Freeing Andromeda (Rubens)

The Great Square of Pegasus created by  the stars Markab, Scheat, Algenib and Alpheratz is depicted as its saddlle on which the soul must ride in preparation to become free (fly) from the lower quaternary world, the four dimensions of physical reality and its bounds. The refinement of the self results in an advanced biological vehicle that can fly above the bounds of the psychic-emotional entrapment of collective consciousness. The four stars of the Great Square hold the secrets of the Merkabah--body of light. The body needs to be nourished and refined in order to serve as a suitable vehicle for the soul’s expression. 

The star Scheat embodies the essence of watery sidereal Pisces. It brings attention to our life force and use of it…attention to the waters of life and to the purity of our bodily fluids including blood, sacred sexual fluids and saliva. Alignments with Scheat ask us to consider what we are doing with our primordial life force, how we are using our Chi. It asks us to integrate our primordial essence with the spiritual essence - to realize that they are one flowing life-giving force.[2] 

So what do the Democrats want? After controlling just about everything else do they want a say on how men can or should use the primordial life force symbolized by Scheat. Remember Saturn (control) is here but so is Neptune (connection to all life)! 


[2] Nick Fiorenza
