In his first major speech on the international stage, Vice President JD Vance criticized European leaders for allowing mass migration and extreme laws censoring speech, remarking that he worries more about Europe’s “threats from within” than from external threats like Russia and China. “While the Trump administration is very concerned with European security and believes we can come to a reasonable settlement between Russia and Ukraine … the threat that I worry the most about vis-à-vis Europe is not Russia, it’s not China, it’s not any other external actor,” said Vance. Feb 15
To understand why the European Union got a dressing down from Vice President JD Vance for their extreme laws censoring speech, take a look at the EU chart. We know that Uranus has been conjunct the radix Taurus Moon in the 10th (24ta) for a while now. This was activated by the Full Moon of Feb 12 which completed a Grand Cross with the radix Moon - Saturn - Pluto.
If there is one planet that stands for free speech it is Uranus. It is known as "The Great Awakener," because it provides us with situations that help shake us into awareness and realize the truths and the lies that we’re living. Though the fixed earth sign Taurus resists change, Uranus doesn’t like us to get too comfortable, because that’s when we become complacent. It’s a planet that forces us out of our comfort zones and encourages us to change for the better. While Uranus moves through grounded Taurus, it can rock our foundations forcing us to accept changes. This is more so in the EU chart since Uranus transit forms a T-square with radix Saturn-Pluto - a combination that represent dictatorship, tyranny and the dark side of power and control.
The table below gives the years in which Saturn-Pluto were in hard aspects. The exact dates are not important. If we were born (or took major life changing decisions in one these years...allow an orb of about a year on either side) we may have had to struggle with its energy. A positive outcome would be freedom from external as well as internalized authority.
Selection: Saturn - Pluto Hard Aspects in Transits
Sat (8) Opp Plu (2) Tr-Tr 23 Apr 1965
Sat (8) Opp Plu (2) Tr-Tr 17 Aug 1965
Sat (8) Opp Plu (2) Tr-Tr 20 Feb 1966
Sat (11) Sqr Plu (3) Tr-Tr 14 Sep 1973
Sat (11) Sqr Plu (3) Tr-Tr 7 Oct 1973
Sat (11) Sqr Plu (3) Tr-Tr 28 May 1974
Sat (3) Cnj Plu (3) Tr-Tr 8 Nov 1982
Sat (7) Sqr Plu (4) Tr-Tr 20 Mar 1993
Sat (7) Sqr Plu (4) Tr-Tr 9 Oct 1993
Sat (7) Sqr Plu (4) Tr-Tr 2 Jan 1994
Sat (11) Opp Plu (5) Tr-Tr 5 Aug 2001 *
Sat (11) Opp Plu (5) Tr-Tr 2 Nov 2001
Sat (11) Opp Plu (5) Tr-Tr 26 May 2002
Sat (3) Sqr Plu (5) Tr-Tr 15 Nov 2009
Sat (3) Sqr Plu (5) Tr-Tr 31 Jan 2010
Sat (3) Sqr Plu (5) Tr-Tr 21 Aug 2010
Sat (6) Cnj Plu (6) Tr-Tr 12 Jan 2020 **
* the 2001 WTC attack now known to be orchestrated by the US deep state, to start their wars in the Middle East with false claims about Iraq's WMDs
** recall the COVID 19 fears drummed up by authorities to keep the masses complaint.
Additional Reading
Lament of the Vaxx injured
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