BRUSSELS — When EU leaders gather Monday in Brussels to discuss the future of European defense, it will be France against (almost) everyone else. Paris is holding firm to its position that European taxpayer money should be spent on military systems designed and made in Europe. But many other countries warn that excluding U.S. arms-makers from EU subsidies would enrage U.S. President Donald Trump, several diplomats argued. Feb 2
From the horoscope of the European Union we can see that the direct station of Uranus[23ta] on Jan 31 took place conjunct the radix Moon [24ta] just two days before the EU meeting. Since the Moon is one leg of a major T-square, the following extract from a previous post explains the issues involved.
Saturn is the apex planet of a T-square with Moon-Mars-Pluto in the EU chart, the pressure to change is intense. ...if we have a history of defiant, Plutonian eruptions against rules and authority, Saturn is now warning us to exert self-control and discipline . On the other hand and this is the more likely scenario, most of us have not been too aggressive with our Plutonian drives. In this case defiance and rage have not been a part of our repertoire in dealing with power and authority, then this Saturn transit allows us the transformative option of bringing more of our Pluto potential into a concrete, workable form ( We get to manifest some of what has been typically kept under wraps because of hidden fears, internal taboos, shame, intimidation or ignorance of our potential).
The initial transit of Uranus to a natal planet or angle is often shocking, bringing with it acute attacks of anxiety and fear. Uranus is a celestial alarm clock, a rude awakening to the aspects within our nature which have been lying dormant and untried. The successive transits work to dislodge hidden traits from which we have been consciously separated, either from birth or in the natural process of early training.
Uranus which was retrograde on the EU Moon since Sept 1, 2024 stationed direct on Jan 31, 2025. Uranus retrograde transits provoke an internal revolution against systems that no longer support holistic survival. We are asked to gradually replace old models with new models as the slow process of the Uranus transit through a house transforms our perspectives; as it receives the annual opposition from the Sun, we slowly undermine the old and replace it with the new.
There may be a recognition that the ‘new’ model which Uranus initially introduces is virtually impossible to use in its ideal form, and results in the frustration and disillusionment which so frequently accompany Uranus transits. The Politico article Caught in Trump-Putin trap, EU leaders hold ‘open heart surgery’ summit, not only summarizes the EU’s conundrum but can serve as a metaphor for readers whose charts are affected . France wants Europe to produce its own defence equipment, but there are voices within the EU which recognize that they cannot annoy the US and must continue to purchase American equipment.
Uranus’direct station brings the sudden awareness that all is not ‘right’ but it is often difficult to discern which part of oneself or one's environment is inappropriate to the future. One begins to cast about, looking outside oneself for the cause of the anxiety or turbulence. Frequently, the anxiety is infused with a sense of anticipation and adventurousness which encourages one to explore new horizons and allows greater disruption to routine. The inner mechanism, which unconsciously governs and regulates one's normal behaviour, suddenly wobbles, and what was once considered risky can seem less so.
All that used to be comforting and stable becomes boring and staid, dull and unbearably stultifying. This feeling is not always positive because it may introduce change too radically, involving a whole system or network of interrelated ideas or people, all of whom will unwittingly and indirectly participate in the Uranus person's transformation. Suddenly one is no longer contained or bound by convention, but with no alternative pattern to respond to. The lack of containment and inability immediately to re-create security is normally experienced as chaos. However, chaos is the genesis of all things, and the long-term process of the Uranus cycle is gradually to introduce a new perspective. [1]
Like the EU horoscope, personal charts affected by the Uranus Full Moon will go through an upheaval at the Feb 12 Full Moon which forms a sharp T-square with Uranus. Check to see if your Ascendant, Sun, Moon or any other planet is aspected by the Full Moon.
[1] Retrograde Planets; Erin Sullivan
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