The black hole at the center of our galaxy is experiencing a flurry of flares, ranging from flickers to brilliant eruptions, according to a team that analyzed data from recent observations by the Webb Space Telescope.
Everything that happens on earth is influenced by what is happening in the cosmos. As the ancients would say, “As above so below”. So essentially what is happening with the Galactic Center is also happening inside us. In this post we attempt to understand what that energy would like us to do.
The lead author of the study Yusef-Zadeh is located at CIERA, Northwestern University, Evanston. A chart for the upcoming solar eclipse at Evanston has the Galactic Center [26sa] placed within two degrees of the MC [24sa]!
The Galactic Center contains a black hole as its center. The resulting energy squeeze emits a wide array of powerful radiation, most notably infrared (IFR) in this instance. This Infrared energy pressures the subconscious mind, providing the release of learned behavior and memories, both negative and positive, all in the interest of moving forward. It stimulates and energizes the Root Chakra both in the interest of letting go of mental and emotional blockages. It then opens the way to receive Divine Messages of ingenuity and inventive creativity.[1]
The energetic crowding process pushes out mentally/emotionally stored data to clear space for new information to enter both the conscious and subconscious minds.
The Sabian symbols for the eclipse Sun and Saturn are as below:
KEYNOTE: Revision of attitude at the beginning of a new cycle of experience.
This phase is the fifth of the second five-fold sequence, and in it we find expressed the capacity to restate the problem inherent in the first phase, i.e. the problem of focusing one's energies upon emotional drives and cultural values which exclude far more than they include. The subsequent stages of development taken together have added considerably to this attitude; as a result, there arises in the consciousness a desire to reformulate at a new level much that had been taken for granted because it indeed originally had been an evolutionary necessity. The very concrete emotion-arousing images of the past can now be reinterpreted as "symbols" with a wider scope of meaning.
KEYNOTE: The power of the Soul to intervene in the personal life and to induce necessary catharses.
The necessary centralization of the conscious attention and will symbolized by the preceding picture most often bring negative results — exclusivism, pride, jealousy, greed for power and wealth. Every man is a Church that has the Soul as its god, but most men forget the Soul and live according to dogmatic rules and habits which not only have become empty of inner meaning, but very often have been perverted by the demands of the senses and the emotional nature, and by the ego with its rationalizing intellect. A purging or catharsis is needed to restore not only fresh and creative spontaneity, but even more the contact with the Soul and the God-ordained dharma.
Notice how the Sabian symbols echo the essence of the Galactic Center energy! So how should one go about to practically live out these energies. Well, the mental process can be as simple as defining the undesired thinking and making a conscious effort to shunt it. Documenting these ideas brings them out of the subconscious into the conscious. If you’re not sure what failed beliefs you have, make up one to suit any recurring obstacle you encounter in life. This is quite similar to the revision of attitude that happens under a Mercury retrograde. And could it be coincidental that on March 15, Mercury will station at [9ar35] - with the same Sabian as the eclipse Sun!!
[1] The Soul of the Sky; Philip Sedgwick
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