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Kash Patel: Empowerment of Pluto in Libra generation



Kashyap Pramod Vinod Patel was born on February 25, 1980, [1] in Garden City, New York, to Indian Gujarati immigrant parents. In November 2024, Trump nominated Patel as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to succeed Christopher A. Wray. If confirmed, Patel would be the FBI's 9th Director and its first Indian American leader, as well as its youngest director. Trump cited Patel's role in "uncovering the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax" and his advocacy for "truth, accountability and the Constitution" in announcing the nomination. 

In modern astrology we begin a chart analysis by looking at sign and house position of planets and the aspects they make. Very little attention is paid to the stars that are conjunct the planets. If like the ancients we do that, a veritable treasure trove of information enriches our analysis. 

Kash Patel’s radix Sun is placed amid the stars Sadalmelik, alpha Aquarii and Fomalhaut, alpha Piscis Austrini. 

Sadalmelik, alpha Aquarius is the “lucky one of the kingdom” . It brings fortuitous capacity to be recognized and accepted in the kingdom of human affairs for those functioning in the higher interest of their souls and in the interest of humanitarian vision 

Aquarius, the humanitarian waterbearer, nourishes the body of humanity, articulated by Fomalhaut of Pisces Australis. Pisces Aus. (the southern fish) embodies the essence of human society, and Fomalhaut is its mouth into which the nourishing Aquarian waters flow, and through which humanity speaks. Fomalhaut is the voice of humanity. People with prominent Fomalhaut placements have a need to speak for humanity as a whole and about humanity's fundamental needs. They seek ways to create an evolved human society, one free from prejudice. 

This explains Kash Patel’s popularity and the essential qualities of the new leadership that will emerge at the FBI. 

Born with Sun [6pi] opposite Jupiter [5vi] and retrograde Mars [5vi] he possesses strong will power and conviction as exemplified by the Sabian symbol of his Sun.


Pisces 7 (6°- 7°): Cross lying on the rocks


​It takes a special kind of person to go against the collective will and ethos in order to be true to themselves.

Solar arc directed Sun [21ar] -Mars[20li]-Jupiter [20li]is now aligned with his radix Pluto [21li] 

For the combination Mars-Jupiter-Pluto, Ebertin has: 

Unusual spirit of enterprise; great creative powers; brilliant successes; capable of tackling big projects or enterprises. 

Keith Barrett in his article Pluto - "Your self-empowerment journey" 

Each individual with Pluto in Libra will be calling in experiences that will show them the path towards authentically expressing themselves in relationships and society. As each soul in this generation navigates their own unique experiences and continues to discover inner balance, this naturally shifts the collective.



Kash Patel directed Sun [20 ar] opposite radix Pluto [21li] completes a T-square with Sibly Kronos [21cp]. Martha Wescott gives the following delineation for an interaction between Kronos and Pluto: 


You will observe high level power struggles--government leaders, legislators, etc are gonna' be jockeyin' for position and trying to out-manuever each other (even if they have to resort to some dirty tricks) Well-known people will be "gettin' Pluto-ed" ( be exposed for who they are, be forced into some radical situation etc.) 

The power of the people in charge will be an issue, and no one will have to point out the examples of: abuse of power, underhanded tactics and authorities or executives who are, in essence, "dirty fighters." Expect to see situations where people "question another's ability or competency" as a tactic to disarm them. 

And don’t forget to notice that currently during Kash’s confirmation hearing, a Grand Cross is formed with Mars transiting retro at about [21cn] triggering his directed Sun [20 ar] opposite radix Pluto [21li] T-square Sibly Kronos [21cp].
